Surveying the Plight of Democrat Candidates:

It sure is interesting to watch the Democrat Party go from the self-proclaimed “party of the working people” to the party of the free everything.

Old Joe (Plugs) Biden is his same old goofy self, biting his wife’s finger while she is addressing the audience at a rally.  What’s with this guy?  I think he is on the verge of possible brain dysfunction.  “No Malarkey” Joe is everything but.

Senator Elizabeth Warren is losing support and funding has slowed to a trickle.  The party faithful know a bad bet when they see one.  She is of President Obama’s thinking that if you own a successful business, “you didn’t build that,” you had help or you schemed to get it.  You couldn’t have created a business on your own.

This from a woman who told a whopper about her Native American heritage to help her land a nice professorship at Harvard.  She was touted in Harvard publications as a Native American.  But the secret up until recently is she never was and can’t claim it now from DNA testing.  Talk about lying to get ahead!

Mayor Pete Buttigieg is gaining on the field, but he lacks any support from African-Americans.  Pete, old boy, you won’t win the candidacy without it.

Senators Kamala Harris and Corey Booker are falling further and further behind when they had some lukewarm support earlier.

The one to watch is Uncle Crazy Senator Bernie Sanders.  He’s not even a Democrat, but the Democrats let him debate with them.  Go figure.  Socialists/Communists/Marxists stick together — better to go red than dead.

All the rest of the losers on the list are just that – losers.

The Adam Schiff Circus Continues:

The circus continues this week with innuendo, second-hand information, rumors, assumptions, presumptions, and people who have no idea why they are there testifying.  The credible evidence Adam Schiff claimed he had months ago never was revealed.  I propose he put up or shut up.  Get the impeachment vote to the House, impeach the president, and let the Senate vote and exonerate him.

This whole “trial” is a joke and even the Democrats are starting to see it for what it is and are questioning their leadership to get on with it or drop it and get back to work.  The United States now has been without a House of Representatives because of this effort to nowhere.  There is real work to be done.  Get to it.

Sign on a Truck:

Seen recently on a pick-up truck tailgate:

Wages Up, Jobs Up, Stock Market Up – I Blame Trump!

Some Jeff Foxworthy Quotes of Note:

“If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for entering and remaining in the country illegally, you might live in a country that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.”

“If you must show your identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book and rent a video, but not to vote for who runs the government, you might live in a country that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.”

“If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government regulation and intrusion while not working is rewarded with Food Stamps, WIC checks, Medicaid benefits, subsidized housing, and free cell phones, you might live in a country that was founded by geniuses but is run by idiots.”

A note from the column author:

My friend Army Bob and I are the only “conservative” commentators in this publication.  If you like what we write or you oppose it, please comment and give us your viewpoint.  Some may hate our viewpoints (as a few who comment regularly evidently do), some may be ambivalent, some may support us.  Don’t be shy and tell us.  Army Bob is the nice guy, I’m the brick thrower.  Don’t confuse us, as I would hate to have Army Bob get criticism by others meant for me.

You might not like my writings, but you can’t say we’re not entertaining, as both Army Bob and I get more views on average than others because we say what we think and aren’t afraid to say it.  Besides, the others are boring, always Trump bashing, all the time.  There is nothing President Trump has done that has helped the country in their view.  We know better (as I’m sure many of you also agree).

I predict four more years of President Trump.  What the Democrats are trying to do is a coup d e’tat, nullifying a democratically elected president.  He has done more in three years than Obama ever did in eight.  You know it and they know it.  That is why they want him impeached, knowing they cannot beat him at the polls.

The rotting of America from within continues…


Harry Smit
December 3, 2019
Ranger Rick Another "spot on " article .....of course, many will not agree, but the truth is the truth. You and Army Bob keep up the great to see my liberal friends go into a tizzy and run off to their safe place...
December 4, 2019
100% right on the Democrats have devolved into the socialists and reds we as Americans has always been against
Proud Liberal
December 10, 2019
Funny that you critique the Democrats but ignore the biggest fool in the universe, trump. If you used the same standards on trump that you use to pick apart the Democrats you would be writing for weeks. trump is a pig of colossal proportions and you can't seem to see it. Probably being in the trump cult you don't feel comfortable saying what you know is true. Your conservative friends might come after you with guns drawn.

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