Autumn in Michigan: the best time of year.

The angle of the sun in late afternoon makes the colors of the leaves explode in red, orange, yellow, making the brilliance of the colors stand out and everything seems clearer.  Just like an afternoon shower in the summer and watching the rainbows form.  Everyone needs to walk around and enjoy what little we have left of the good weather because we know the snow will soon be here.

I would hope all Democrats and RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) would take the time to enjoy themselves outside too, since the impeachment and Trump Derangement Syndrome seems to be getting to them.  The resident lefty contributors to this rag (the editor’s choice of words, not mine) railing against the honorable Army Bob and yours truly (I must admit to being somewhat of a scamp and instigator and not half the gentleman as Army Bob) need to drop the invective tone somewhat or they will blow a cork.  Their blood pressure must be terribly high.  Please, for your own health, take it down a few notches.

I would just like to ease into the subject of impeachment for a few seconds.  It ain’t gonna happen!  Yes, the House will vote for impeachment and it will pass, but it will die in the Senate with no conviction.  Democrats will have to win the hard way, they’ll have to earn it through the ballot box.  With the economy doing well, jobs plentiful, unemployment low, everybody but Democrats and RINOs happy, what’s not to like?

For those of you thinking Senator Mitt Romney hinting at supporting impeachment, he’s been Democrat Light for years and a hated RINO.  You know the kind; long on cash, low on patriotism, likes cheap labor, and their poop doesn’t stink.  So Mitt: It will be a long and cold term in the Senate.  Maybe you can run as a Democrat next time (or a communist, independent, or Green Party, etc.).  Please, don’t identify yourself as a Republican.

We’ve disowned Amash and Romney be disowned too.  Amash is history, dead man walking (prison speak), and won’t be re-elected.

Now the wicked witch Hillary Clinton is raising her ugly mug and spouting nonsense.  She’s peeved because an amateur non-politician kicked her tail in the last election.  Get over it already!  Now her and Webb Hubbell’s daughter Chelsea is making noise about possibly carving out a political career in the future.  Before you haters of the loveable little fuzzball Ranger Rick and some of my fellow lefty lover contributors cry foul of me telling you something William Jefferson Blythe Clinton told his lover Jennifer Flowers about Chelsea, he said she couldn’t be his because he was sterile.  He said it to his lover folks, stealing a line from my friend Army Bob, you can’t make this stuff up!  Chelsea can deny it, but no matter how many plastic surgeries she gets, she still resembles Webb and his children.

There isn’t a radio or TV program Hillary will reject appearing on because her rage is out of control and she’ll never get over it.  First getting whipped by an amateur politician Obama, and being humiliated again by a non-politician Trump, that’s a lot of whupping going on!

Then she is married to a reprobate serial rapist and conniving playboy who’s never grown up and had control of himself in both sex and drug use.  His brother Roger remarked his nose was like a vacuum cleaner around cocaine!  Bill is still 18 in his head and will only face the consequences of his lousy ways in the after-life.  Because the Democrats continually shield him from consequences and only like him now because he beat the rap.  He and Hillary are now liabilities and the political world has moved on from the Clintons.

Enough of the Clintons… on to fresh socialists on the Democrat lineup.  About the only sane one,  Tulsi Gabbard,  is being savaged by Hillary as being a Russian operative.  Funny, since Hillary used the Russians for dirt on Trump with the Steele Dossier, bought and paid for by the Democrat campaign.  She is just peeved she can’t get more contributions for the Clinton Foundation.

Now that the Clinton Foundation is now defunct, where did all that contribution cash go?  I’m sure Bill and Hillary have it in an off-shore account.  Maybe they gave some to Chelsea for her future campaign?  Sorry, just can’t stay away from Hillary since she is always in the news and casting aspersions toward the president and Gabbard.

The rest of the Star Wars bar scene gallery on the Democrat debate stage — two ancient guys looking like fools (one can’t remember, another’s hair never saw a comb), Pocahontas (the Cherokee Harvard Native-American professor), and the “B” list of also-rans.  Pete Buttigieg is interesting, not for his ideas or supposed intellect, but he is mayor of a city where many say he hasn’t done a good job, not a good resume to be president.

As a whole, the crowded Democrat lineup can’t give enough away, free stuff for everyone, keep the borders open, and wars all over the globe.  Just what this country needs.

The rotting of America from within continues…

1 Comment

October 23, 2019
Right on 100 percent nailed it

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