On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives will have a vote on impeachment, trying to start the process of ousting President Trump from office.

My Lefty friends and contributors to this publication have expressed their feelings that Trump should be impeached.  Most of the “proof” has been second and third hand conversations and based on the Steele dossier, which was a proven, false piece of bovine excretion paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign.  This was the “insurance” that was to get Trump thrown from office.  Never a mention of the 30,000+ email messages scoured from servers and cell phones were destroyed with hammers breaking phones and destroying trails to those emails subpoenaed.

But, oh well, she was just sloppy and didn’t mean to destroy evidence.  Guess it’s like the dog ate my homework?  Must be, because she escaped any punishment that would have come down on any normal person.

Regardless, my Lefty friends see this as “evidence” the president should be impeached.  Good luck with that.  I’m sure he will be impeached in the House, as the rabid Democrats are looking for blood.  However, it has to go to the Senate to confirm and convict the impeachment to throw the president from office.  I seriously doubt this will happen — there will not be the votes to do so.  So Trump will remain as president, and will most undoubtedly be re-elected in 2020. The longer this goes on, the public sees this for what it is — a gross injustice against a sitting president.  And Trump’s support keeps growing.

For those wanting President Trump to stay in office, please remain steadfast.  He will not be convicted in the Senate and will remain in office.  And he will be re-elected next year.  The economy is booming, jobs are there, full employment has been achieved, and salaries and hourly pay is rising.

There is no Democrat candidate to seriously challenge him.  Sleepy “Plugs” Biden is suspected by some as a crook with his son, Pocahontas is fading fast, Crazy Bernie is still looking for a comb, Mayor Pete has no black support, a death knell for a Democrat, and all the others are fading and inconsequential.

On the lighter side of life, a movie made a huge impact on my life at a time where my career was stalled and I started to question myself, my confidence was waning.  It was close to Christmas and I was up late at night when “It’s A Wonderful Life” was on.  I had never seen it before so I settled in to watch.  As the movie progressed, I related to George Bailey and his dilemma.  When he was shown how life would have been in his family and town without him, he was given a rare glimpse of why his life mattered.  It sure buoyed my spirits and helped me through those difficult times.  Shortly after, my career took off again.

Whether it is a phrase, a book, a movie, a conversation with a friend or mentor, that little bit of positive thinking or kind word, or life example story sometimes helps put things into perspective.  Sometimes it is a little help, to others it is life-changing.  I think George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) said it best while in the bar, head in hands, asking for help;  “Dear Father in Heaven, I’m not a praying man, but if you’re up  there and you can hear me, show me the way, I’m at the end of my rope, show me the way God”!

There is a great story with that scene.  The great director, Frank Capra, had Stewart do the first take and a few more after.  At the review of the scene in viewing the “rushes” of the previous film shooting, Stewart asked Capra which one he was using.  Capra replied “The first one.”

Stewart was a little incensed he had to do multiple scenes when he nailed it the first time.  He asked Capra why did he insist on multiple scenes.  This was Stewart’s first movie after returning from WWII as a bomber pilot and he had no confidence the audience would remember and embrace him again as an actor.

He was probably suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and Capra thought doing this dramatic scene over and over would help relieve the stress.  Capra looked at Jimmy and replied “You needed it.” Jimmy later remarked Capra was right.  He poured his emotions out in that scene over and over and it helped him.

If you want to see an uplifting movie about life in a small town, please view this film.  It will be on TV-8 (NBC) at 8 p.m. Christmas Eve.  Happy viewing!


December 18, 2019
Since you can see into the future, Ranger, and you see Trump winning in 2020*. Since you have the gift of precognition, do you see Trump actually getting the majority of votes cast by Americans that bother to vote? Do you see an election free from Russian interference? Do you see an election that is without massive voter suppression? The "landslide" you cited in 2016 still saw a majority of Americans that bothered to vote cast their ballots for Trump's opponent. *by the way, you mock Bernie and Biden for their hair - but don't give Trump credit for most ridiculous hair?
December 19, 2019
Trumps popularity keeps growing???? Wages are increasing?? What planet are you on? You people are going to be terribly embarrassed on election day...and I'll be here to rub it in.

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