There was a recent study done on tipping for services rendered in restaurants. The subjects used as parameters were men, women, Democrat, Republican, generation and area of United States. Most servers are younger and depend on the tips to make up their pay per day. Usually, the better the service, the better the tip.

In reading the results of the study, the findings surprised me. Who would you think are the best tippers? If you guessed the people that strongly favors high minimum wages and always says they look out for the worker, you’d be wrong! What they found in this study the best tippers were Baby Boomer Republican men in the Northeast.

Since the Democrats always say they support working men and women, you would think it would be Democrat men or women with best tipping practices. But you know what “talks” and what “walks” and the Democrats, like usual, are saying one thing but doing another, not helping to support servers. Ever notice they like everyone else to pitch in and support others, but they aren’t willing to part with their money?

From personal experience, I find the cheapest folks are my liberal friends when paying a bar or restaurant bill and leaving a tip. I tip no matter what type of service I get, however, I give more for better service. A few liberal friends don’t tip at all. When I question their reasoning, they will always come up with an excuse, usually they don’t have extra money or don’t want to break a larger bill. Usually I will throw down a few bucks out of embarrassment. I know a guy who arrives at a party with a cheap six pack of off brand beer, then proceeds to drink everyone else’s brews. He’s always proudly announced he voted Democrat since able to vote – figures.

It is just like the Democrats, the party that says “do as I say, not as I do.” Like with past presidents Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama – all but two scamps, philanderers, skirt chasers, and with more than a few skeletons in the closet or graveyard. While he was a terrible excuse for a president, President Carter was the most honorable one on the list who kept his pants zipped.

The most recent, President Obama, has a murky past that nobody has ever investigated to any in-depth degree, he disseminates information he wants the media to know. His college records are sealed and have never been revealed. What he says is taken as truth with no verification by outside sources. The media takes him at his word and lets him skate, he is the most qualified and smartest president ever they say – nobody cares about his past and political philosophy.

From tipping servers to spending tax money, when it is their money, Democrats are misers. When it comes to spending tax revenue, there are no limits on how they want to spend your money. Don’t believe me? Look at the cities and states in the worst fiscal shape – all run by Democrats and usually for decades. Illinois and California are prime examples. Once in a while a Republican will sneak in as governor or mayor and try to clean up the balance sheets, only to have fickle voters send them packing and Democrats being elected to mess things up again and the city or state fall into huge deficits and debt.









July 25, 2017
Bullshit. You make your argument with an undisclosed source and anecdotes of your cheap friends. I'm a democrat. I tip well. So do my friends, none of whom are Trumkins. Your piece was WEAK! SAD!!! By the way your boy Trump is a notoriously bad tipper at the golf course.
Lynn Mandaville
July 25, 2017
Dear Ranger, A couple of things come to mind from your rant. First, please remember that polls don't just reflect the proportion to which a group falls. Perhaps Democrats do constitute the group who tips the most poorly. Don't forget to note, however, that that doesn't mean ALL Democrats tip poorly. Our family (of sometime Democrats), for one, tips most generously for restaurant service - 20-25%. And even though Republicans didn't show up in your cited poll as poor tippers, be assured that there are poor Republican tippers. I've known some in my day. Second, if the Democratic "friends" of yours are poor or not-at-all tippers, you need to find a better class of people with whom to dine.
Robert M Traxler
July 26, 2017
Mr. Basura, Sir, Bad hair day? The Column is an opinion column. "opinion, a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact". Ranger Rick's point that the good folks on the liberal side want to raise other folks taxes is a good one. It is nearly always a call to tax the rich and corporations. My I respectfully recommend a calmer approach, compose a comment, let it sit for a few hours then rewrite and post. I am a good friend of Ranger Ricks and I am not cheap, you did the same thing you charge him with doing. Thank you kindly for your service.

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