There is no argument that the need for beginning level of work should be available to Americans everywhere in the country. For anyone needing and wanting a job, it should be available.

Many Americans, however, do not feel the beginning wage level is of sufficient amount to expend the energy to get out of bed, get off their behinds, and get to work for minimum wage. If you have skills that demand a higher wage, I feel your pain, for I have been there, too. If there are jobs to meet your qualifications for work and wages, great! If not, will you work at the lower wage to show them you are worth more over time, or will you remain unemployed and stay on welfare?

How can those not working feel the wages are too low to expend the energy to perform the job requirements when they have no skills/prior experience? Most are either on unemployment – months and months of unemployment or welfare. With no skills/prior experience, you are essentially worth what you are offered – minimum wage or slightly higher in some places offering more. Why would a person offering you a job pay you 12, 15 or 20 dollars per hour if you have nothing to offer in return in the form of productivity for the company?

I always get a kick out of young people with a very attractive starting wage as college graduates when I tell them what I started at years ago. They are making exponentially more than I ever thought I would make 36 years ago , with them having no experience but a college education.

At an impromptu meeting around the break area, they asked what my pay was when I first started working after high school. I told them and they laughed so hard I thought a few were going to pee their pants! A little over $3 ($3.27) per hour. And damn glad to get it when $5 per hour was a considered a good average wage.

Later, after being out of work, I worked for less – yup, less than $3.27 per hour – jobs were scarce. Minimum wage then I believe was $1.75, but I was making a staggering $2.85 per hour. That job only lasted a short time before I was able to get a better paying job, but I had bills to pay and a family to feed.

Later, when making $10 per hour 30 years ago, I would wonder if I would ever be lucky enough to make $20 per hour. Five years and more experience and responsibility, I was making $20 per hour. Then a few more years over $30 per hour with more accomplishments and projects completed on time and on or under budget.

I could work with people that were considered difficult and get good results. I did that because I would tell them what I expected for performance and results. I asked them to get it done and not look over their shoulders while they did it. We would meet twice weekly and go over project progress and any roadblocks that needed to be removed to achieve the desired results.

They were promoted as was I. I make more money than I ever dreamed I would be making when starting my career, but the bottom line in conveying this to you is I didn’t sit on my behind and cry I wasn’t making more money. You want it, go get it through hard work and initiative.

If that requires more education or special training, get it. Quit bitching and just do it. And never, ever tell me it can’t be done, because I did it, and believe me, I’m nothing special. There are more programs out there for those wanting to help themselves than ever, if you’ll only take advantage of opportunities.

And be persistent, constantly going to possible employers with a job resume, clean and proper clothes for an interview (usually a suit and shined shoes), proper hygiene and a willingness to work. You might not want to stay there for a career, but you must start someplace. After more training and experience, look for another job that you desire.

Welfare and unemployment are for those who won’t help themselves. We all know some folks experiencing tough times – that’s what those government programs are for. But they are not life sustaining programs for the rest of your adult life!

When welfare offers more money and services than working at a minimum level job pays, there is something wrong, and it’s not the minimum wage, it is government theft to take from “doers” to those that won’t do for themselves. Welfare is a handout, not a hand up. It keeps you on dependent on the government.

Make no mistake about it, welfare is insidious — it is ego and life destroying form of handout. If you want a productive and prosperous life, have a nice house and better life, you must get yourself off welfare and working, doing, progressing, feeling better about yourself and leaving welfare behind.

I have an acquaintance who owns a trucking company. He is having a difficult time finding more qualified drivers and recently offered a signing bonus of $2,000 to anyone applying and passing all tests (drug testing, proper driving license, background checks).

These are over the road jobs, most are local in that they are home at night, most are GR to Detroit, Chicago, Indianapolis, etc. Most of his drivers after a few years average about $55,000 + per year. He pays excellent hourly wages and benefits (health, life, and dental insurance). To date (after two weeks advertising on-line), he has many “hits” but has enticed no (0) applicants.

Evidently all people qualified are working somewhere else.

Or they are satisfied taking Uncle Sam’s handouts.

The rotting of America from within continues…


Harry Smit
January 16, 2018
Like your down to earth article... Sadly we are tolerating generations both past present and future that want everything handed to them, without working or struggling to get it.
January 18, 2018
Did you forget about the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996 that still requires a work component for those receiving welfare? Did you have a spouse and/or live in a Dual Income No Kids or Single Income No Kids home where day care or night child sitting is needed? What do you suggest for single women with children? Minimum wage doesn't cover for costs a vehicle, insurance, upkeep, rent, groceries and find an employer who gets you a 40 hour work week with time off if your children get sick or take them to a doctors appointment. Its a nice rant if you want to ignore work requirements that have been around for over two decades, there are people getting government assistance who truly need it short term and you believe employers have no issue scheduling hours so single working parents can walk in today and are working tomorrow. For your friend who can't find drivers, it could be pay and benefits. If he's competing against LTL's like USF Holland or even non-unions like Estes it could be the West Michigan conundrum. Better pay and benefits gets qualified drivers but West MI employers always seem to struggle with that using higher pay to attract employee thing. $55K after a few years is a tough sell when others are starting in the high $40's.

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