The blow-back of alRanger Rick Art_7_0_0lowing Syrian immigrants into the nation (at the time of this writing: approximately 10,000 “refugees”) prompted President Barack Obama to attack Republicans for their stance against the idea. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder commented he didn’t want any of the refugees, as did many other state governors. Grand Rapids Mayor George Hartwell, ever the big-hearted liberal he is, said it was un-American to refuse the refugees.

Before we get all up in arms about should they or shouldn’t they allow Syrian “refugees” into the country, we need to have some answers:

  • How do we know the refugees are from Syria – because they say they are?
  • How do we examine their backgrounds if there is no known information about their backgrounds?
  • Why do they show women and children as those included as immigrants when more than half are young men (how many jihadi murder-craving nuts are in that group)?
  • Why aren’t other countries within the region (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, etc.) taking the Syrians?
  • Why are they flooding to Europe? Would it be ISIS/ISIL members will infiltrate the “refugees”?
  • Why aren’t Muslim mosques and religious leaders in the Middle East, Europe and the United States being part of a “loving and peaceful” religion, denouncing the violence and killing of Syrians by ISIS/ISIL and in France?
  • Why are political leaders and security/military specialists not concerned about infiltration of the refugees by ISIS/ISIL jihadist members? And if they are, why don’t we hear of them?
  • Why is President Obama making promises to take refugees without consulting/addressing Congress? Should he? Shouldn’t he, and if you think he shouldn’t, why not?
  • With the southern border open to unlimited illegal immigration, why do they need to have a political freeway to coming into the country and not just immigrate to Mexico and enter with the Mexicans, Costa Ricans, Guatemalans, etc.?
  • Why is the U.S. accepting people who will refuse to assimilate into our culture and instead abide by Sharia law and Islamic teachings, where “infidels” (also known as Americans) are to be killed if they do not convert to Islam?
  • When a known enemy of the state is a potential aggressor, why do we want to allow our own destruction?
  • How out of touch is the President? Is he delusional, or just a moron? And if you agree with his opinion in this situation – why?
  • If he wants the “refugees” in this country, why not settle them in Washington D.C. on the White House lawn and the area between the Washington and Lincoln Monuments, and toward the Capital building, just like the World War I veteran protesters did? Build a mosque right at the base of the Washington Monument and the call to morning and evening prayer could be heard by the President – as he has said before “the most beautiful sound in the world.Agree or disagree?
  • If they settled in one spot, as described in #12, the President could address them daily with his wisdom, like he does us on the media every day. Agree or disagree?
  • Mayor Heartwell could have the Michigan contingent of “refugees” squatting on his palatial estate in East Grand Rapids and he could take care of them.  As Dearborn is “Jihadistan East,” East Grand Rapids would be “Jihadistan West” – has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Agree or disagree?

In other words, when will this idiodic thinking end?

The leftist liberal Marxists can call me all the names they wish – the last question: If one incident of a killing of an American by any of these immigrants happens, all politicians and administration employees agreeing to take them in should be identified, sued and all their wealth and property taken, and they be deported to Syria to see how the Syrians would take care of them.

If the President insists on allowing the “refugees” to enter the country, he is a traitor and a disgrace to his office and should be impeached post-haste. His main responsibility is to protect the American people. His immigration policy is non-existent, sanctuary cities allow illegal immigrants, and no one knows where these people come from or what their intentions happen to be. This will be the first president to allow the potential enemy to enter the country and allowed among the public.



1 Comment

Robert M Traxler
November 25, 2015
I like the concept of these folks going to upper income communities to live with the limousine Liberals. The folks will end up in poor communities taking assets from already poor people and diluting the tax base. The left will give themselves awards for compassion and tell themselves they are kind and good as they hurt the people in poor communities they are pretending to help. The road to hell is once again paved with good intentions.

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