I watch different things on TV, from movies to political banter.  Yesterday (Sunday), I was watching a young man with a microphone asking simple questions about dates, presidents, and political affiliations for presidents.

• Question 1 — Who was the 1st President?  George Washington was the obvious answer to someone from my generation since we were taught history in high school. Five people were asked this (all about millennial age) and none got it correct.  The question was asked of an older gentleman and he answered quickly and correctly.

• Question 2 — When was the Declaration of Independence? (1776)  Out of five people questioned, none of them got it right.  One person said she was a recent history major college graduate.  Evidently they don’t require U.S. history to be part of the curriculum?  She didn’t take high school history?

•Question 3 — Who was the 16th President (they were standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial) and what was his major accomplishment?  Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation (freeing the slaves) was the answer.  Nobody got it right (the interviewer pointed toward the memorial as he asked the question).  Then when told it was Lincoln, the interviewer asked of which political party he belonged.  Everyone said Democratic (they meant Democrat,  the party if anything but democratic) party.  Wrong, he was a Republican.

Other questions were asked .The respondents were overwhelmingly wrong in their answers.  Folks, these were not difficult questions, any citizen of 40 years ago would have gotten at least 80% correct.  The people under the age of 35 are ignorant of the their own country’s history.  Is it because they are not taught history in high school any more?  What is being taught?  Evidently not U.S. History.

On another issue, I hate to give any more focus on the Gang of Four (aka Squad of Four), but the Democrat  women of the House of Representatives are out of control.  Anyone who doesn’t agree with them are racists and anyone questioning their motives are racists.  When does discussion of motives, no matter what race they are or their detractors happen to be have to do with racism?

Any time anyone, and especially the President, question their attacks on ICE, Israel, Homeland Security, border security, border detainment, etc., they play the race card and the media willingly goes along with them.  I agree with the President, if you don’t like this country, please leave.  Leave because you aren’t part of the solution, you are the problem.  You should be ashamed you are U.S. Representatives and hate your own country.

And AOC, your claim about people are drinking out of toilets is patently untrue, and you know it.  And the disaster on the border of overcrowding in holding areas – the Border Patrol has been asking for help for months and months.  You could do something to pass funding to help in the situation.  You do nothing but say now it is a disaster.  Where were you months ago?

How were the voters in the districts they come from so duped to vote for these reprobates.  They were elected, so either nobody showed up at the voting polls and a low majority for these revolutionaries got them into office, or more importantly, how much outside influence and money backed these people, supporting them in their district races?  Maybe Mueller should investigate the Gang of Four for outside influence?  At least he would have a job he could throw more people in prison to find nothing in the end.

And finally, Mr. Mueller is scheduled to appear before Chairman Jerry Nadler’s Inquisition panel, another circus waiting to happen, with ringleader Nadler (a mental midget if there ever was one) to question Mueller to try and get more dirt on President Trump.  The witch hunt continues.  Maybe if Nadler and company can’t find anything they will blame racism?  What the hell, everyone else does.

The real investigation of the illegal wire tapping of Trump Tower and using the FBI and CIA to use false information to get a FISA warrant should be done.  Maybe the real truth of what happened will finally come out, but I’m not holding my breath.

And if you don’t agree with me, you’re a racist!

The rotting of America from within continues…


mike williams
July 24, 2019
They know a lot of stuff the 35 and older crowd doesn't know as well! Quit categorizing please.
Terry Parks
July 24, 2019
Mike Williams, I'm interested to know what some of those things are that you say those under 35 know but those over 35 don't know. You must be speaking of more than a knowledge of popular technology because of course many 35 and older are very skilled and well-versed in technology. Please list some of the things you have in mind to support your position and remind us of them who are older. It could both support those under 35 and add to the discussion. Regards.
Terry Parks
July 24, 2019
RR... I certainly agree with your essential points and your examples. In my personal life and professional career I've had opportunity to be related to, interview, know and employ those who are referred to as "millenials". Like you I've been struck with their general lack of objective knowledge of history and many other critical subjects as a generation. Critical thinking and pursuit of the truth regardless of where it leads in not what they are about as an overall generation. There are certainly exceptions, wonderful exceptions, but you have to go awhile to find them. These are now part of the decision-making process and determination of the future of this country. That's a very major problem, because their ignorance of history and of current events will increasingly pave the way to repeat history's grave errors and prevent implementation of true solutions. Millenials, according to the open reporting of employers and other realities as well as the honest testimony of some of their own generation, are about self-indulgence, being constantly offended, and motivated by feelings above objective facts, knowledge, wisdom and reason. It is showing up all over, including in industry. This country will be paying a huge price for allowing this to occur while handing out unprecedented academic degrees to this mostly highly ignorant generation. It isn't all their fault, but so much of it is, because all individuals are personally responsible for knowing what they can know but won't take time or effort to explore or affirm. Formal education is one thing, full education and learning is quite another. Millenials in general don't really have an interest in pursuing objective truth because they are characterized by a belief there is truth based on feelings alone, "your truth" and "their truth", which may all be right even if absolutely unfounded or even totally contradictory. "1984" has begun to arrive in America and other nations in the world. I am more than disturbed about it, but not at all surprised due to basic human nature.
Jim Martin
July 24, 2019
Not sure how many of the over 35 would do on a history quiz either. More than ever people need to go to the library to learn about history. Continue your education by reading books. Even the best high school history never had any real depth without outside reading.
mike williams
July 25, 2019
Mr. Parks is just another one of Townbroadcasts pool of amateur essayist. I think they like to read each others essays. Short and sweet. This isn't the N.Y. Times.
Don't Tread On Me
July 25, 2019
Mr. Parks, Mr. William's has a hard time reading more than a few sentences, maybe ADS or has to consult the dictionary. Kinda makes Ranger Rick's point. Mr. Parks, please keep up the great comments.
Terry Parks
July 25, 2019
I am disappointed to see that rather than support your point as requested you have instead resorted to avoidance, insult and diversion. No one has to read any of these comments on Town Broadcast, whether they be short or otherwise. They are only for those who care to do so. Having said that, in a day of constant cheap shots and short, usually overly-simplistic quips and sound bites, I for one believe in being as clear, coherent, sufficiently thorough, non-confusing and logical as possible. I'm by far not alone in that way. I'm sorry you are apparently annoyed and/or offended by such an approach. In light of your response and your approach I'm going to venture a guess that you are likely a millenial. Am I wrong? If so, please correct me. In any case, I'd like to go back to your earlier written point which is as yet unsupported. Just what are those things that you say those under 35 know and those over 35 don't. I'm pretty sure some of us who are more than twice 35 would be interested in hearing from someone who has something significant that of which we are yet ignorant. There perhaps are such things. We don't know everything. Please enlighten us. Regards.

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