The startling rRanger Rick Art_7_0_0evelation that George Stephanopoulos gave a first reported $50,000 to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation (BHCC) was a stunning announcement (yawn), wasn’t it? The media, and George himself, recently announced it was actually $75,000 (yawn again).  Again, the media never gets it right the first time (how many times have we heard that before – Baltimore, Ferguson, Trayvon Martin, etc.)?

What’s the big deal? Wasn’t George in the Clinton Administration, first as Communications Director then as Senior Advisor for Policy and Strategy and now it is discovered he gave money to the BHCC Foundation? I know, my Democrat friends will yawn and say “big deal.” I say, didn’t you think George would give to his friends – he’s a political hack, was always a political hack and continues to be a political hack. He came from the Clinton administration, hired by ABC as a talking head.

But you say “political hack” – whatever do you mean? ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and all the other alphabet soup news corporations all are in the tank for the liberals and Democrats, and their declarations of being objective are a farce. They are all joined at the hip with the liberals and the Democrats. I think if you look at all political races of years past, you’ll see leading news people, network and station owners giving money to Democrat candidates and the National Democrat Committee. FOX at least gives the impression they are trying to get it correct the first time, but even they follow the talking heads of the Big 3 in many ways.

I will be transparent: I was a Republican contributor to the party for some years, but for the last few, they lost me, and I haven’t contributed to the Republicans or any candidate for at least two years. Nor will I in the future until the Republican party turns from being “Democrat Light” and becomes a party of bold colors instead of pastels. The “me too” strategy of Republicans for the last six years is a joke and they are losing more and more support because they don’t oppose the Democrats nor the President in their unconstitutional quest for more and more power for the federal government.

George can’t help himself, even though he says he’s objective. He disparages those with questions and findings about anyone or any situation in the Democrat party or administration and he responds with ad hominin attacks. By changing the discussion and fomenting personal attacks, he can direct the discussion away from the original theme of the discussion. This is what the treasured media has become – partisan hacks controlling the discussion? If someone from the Bush Administration would have gotten the ABC job instead of Mr. Stephanopoulos, there would be no end of the howling by the left.

But according to the author of this “rag” (his words, not mine), the media is unbiased. Sure, if you are a space alien and don’t have any sense of reality (thinking of “Mars Attacks” movie) then I guess you could say the media is unbiased. You have to brain dead to think this is true. Example: Start by looking at any major station – ABC, CBS, NBC and listen to the first subject on the national 6:30 news report, then switch quickly to the other stations and listen to their take on the same story. You will hear the same report (mistakes and all) – we only know they are mistakes because the story evolves (from $50,000 to $75,000). They hardly ever acknowledge a “mistake” and correct it. Over and over, the different talking heads saying exactly the same thing – almost word for word, no matter what station you watch.

It didn’t used to be like this. When TV was an actual news reporting avenue and not adding any bias, political, or personal spin, it was the facts, just the facts. You figure out the implications. Of course, back then, the viewing public was actually interested in what was said and they also read newspapers. They also read more than the average person does now with the exception of seeing what new “friend” you have on Facebook. What a colossal waste of time and effort.

George Stephanopoulos is no more a journalist than I’m a brain surgeon. ABC should be ashamed they even offered Mr. Stephanopoulos a job. Anyone can read a teleprompter (our president being one fine example) – George needs to be gone. Once a political hack, always a political hack, I don’t care what side of the political spectrum you’re from. Between George and Brian Williams, this is what once revered television network news divisions have come to. You want to claim your network is open and unbiased, quit hiring political hacks as talking heads. Fire George!

1 Comment

May 26, 2015
I really hate to take issue with Ranger Rick, but it has been my long held personal belief that everyone is biased. As the author of this one-line rag, I don't ever recall suggesting the media is unbiased.

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