It is again the time for selecting another opposition candidate through the primary system of winnowing out potential candidates.  There are various methods of doing this depending on the state.  At this time, the Democrats are out of favor as president so they are trying to get the best candidate selected to run against President Donald Trump in 2020.

I saw the Democrat presidential debate last Thursday for about an hour.  I hear it ran for two more hours before coming to conclusion.  I just couldn’t take it any more, being a conservative, as the Democrats were in full give away mode, tax, tax, tax, and we are coming for your guns.  The nuts were on vacation from the asylum and allowed to speak.

Poor Joe Biden, the vice president to President Obama (he references this often), was fumbling and mumbling, but some observers said it was his best outing yet.  I would hate to see his worst.  Senator Elizabeth Warren gained the most on old Joe, up a reported 2.4%.  Old Senator Bernie Sanders looked like an angry old man telling others to get off his lawn.  He’s a multi-millionaire now so it would be nice if he ran a comb through that unruly mop of hair to at least look civil instead of a raving lunatic he convincingly displays.  He looks tired and uninspired.

All the rest are also-rans; Harris, Buttigieg, O’Rourke (aka “Beto”), Klobuchar, Castro, and gladiator Booker.  They all clearly were attacking Biden, since he is still considered the front-runner, but he seems to keep his lead even though his performance is shaky at times.

Regardless who wins this cluster-foxtrot of a race to the bottom, many things are clear:

1)  Hold on to your wallet — taxes for everything will be increased on everybody (not just the rich).

2)  All college will be free if it was up to these folks.  You folks paying for college are suckers.

3)  Everyone will be getting free health care, either through Obama Care or Medicare.

4)  All illegal aliens will be welcomed, no walls, no restrictions, and eligible for everything.

5)  Climate change is real damn it, because we say it is, and trillions will be spent to curb it.

6)  The gun grabbers are back with a vengeance.  Thanks Beto for being the only honest one to speak up.

7)  We hate Trump and the “basket of deplorables” who voted for him. (And will be voting for him again!)

As I said, I lasted about an hour before my lovely mate of many years said either shut up or shut the damn thing off, she was tired of hearing my commentary to the idiotic things being said.  Yes dear.

Now that Russia, Russia, Russia and the Mueller Report showed no collusion nor illegalities, the Democrats are flummoxed to no end.  OK, now we have to impeach Trump because nothing else got rid of the guy.  He can’t be President;  he isn’t a politician, he isn’t one of us, he isn’t from the Swamp, and he has stupid ideas, and we just don’t like him and don’t want him president.  Guess that’s why Americans voted for him — he isn’t one of the anointed ones thrust upon us with their stupid ideas of how to run the country and screw the citizens.

It is amazing when a person is considered a Democrat and had liberal tendencies, then he decides to run as a Republican instead of a Democrat, the foul and invective words and mud-slinging ensues.  He is a racist, homophobe, Islamaphobe, pick your sick name and add it to Trump.  He was and is none of these things while he was considered “one of them” only when he switched to Republican to run as president.  See how that works.

I hope the Democrats keep up the fine ideas of how to raise taxes on everyone, free college and medical care for everyone, open borders, global climate change, and confiscating your guns.  Talk about out-of-touch people!

I have two words for Beto and his firearm confiscation idea – “Molon Labe” (come and take it).  I think you’ll find many patriotic citizens who understand the 2nd Amendment – you obviously don’t.  But I caution Beto – don’t get the police or FBI to do what you want done. Come take them yourself.  And start in Texas, your home state.  Good luck with that.

The rotting of America from within continues…


September 18, 2019
Any responsible adult 2020
Harry Smit
September 19, 2019
Ranger Rick Betting some who read your article had to go to "their safe place"....amazing how some think everything should be free, and gun confiscation of firearms will happen without incident. I know none of my Democratic or Republican friends who own firearms would just allow confiscation... without resistance. I also couldn't watch that whole debate. It reminded me of the township meetings we have locally. Guess the higher you rise in the political arena... it would equate to playing the buffoon under the "Big Top."

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