Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0Hillary Clinton, in a recent rant in front of her rabid supporters, smugly proclaimed; “To just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic – you name it. Some folks, they are irredeemable… And unfortunately, there are people like that and Trump has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that use to only have 11,000 people, but now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric.“

Mrs. Clinton, thanks for this gem, it will be used extensively to show what an elitist, out of touch politician you, Democrats and the Establishment Republicans are in relation to Trump supporters. If you lose the election, you can point to this massive idiotic rant to show your rabid hate for anyone who doesn’t agree with your lying ways and wacky ideas.

Mrs. Clinton :

  • Lies just because she can; a paranoid, rabid, Marxist politician (just like Obama)
  • Is the most liberal (next to Obama) politician and is supported by every liberal/socialist/communist organization and mouthpiece (most of the media, Hollywood, academia, anyone relying on government handouts/bailouts/loans)
  • Is secretive (Emails, physical ailments, mental ailments)
  • Is physically sick (between the coughing and the wandering eyeballs, what’s up with that!?)
  • Is a person whose mental health is suspect
  • Is generally disliked for her pompous, elitist, attitude toward citizens, police, and service members
  • Is an enabler for her lecherous husband for affairs with other women
  • Was the worst Secretary of State, worse than Madeline Albright (if that is possible)
  • Was a terrible Senator for New York state
  • Helped create ISIL/ISIS by her poor performance as Secretary of State and President Obama’s weak and insufficient responses to ISIL/ISIS attacks and overtaking territories the U.S. forces won in bloody battles, only to order them returned
  • Will be the third Obama term. More misery, more unemployment, more debt, more of everything you don’t want or need
  • Has a driven need to be a war hawk – to show she has the cajones to order armed forces into conflicts.

The incident at the consulate in Benghazi with the death of the ambassador and brave defenders is a prime example of her lack of judgment and inability to act, not only to protect them during the incident but to also respond to the requests for additional security months before the attack after repeated requests (60+ requests). They were unanswered or turned down. She and President Obama (where was he during the attack?) failed to respond during the attack with any show of force.

In actuality, we (the “deplorables” she speaks of) are the last bastion of America; the great unwashed, hard-working, religious, gun toting, food raising, pay their taxes, love the country folks the liberals love to hate. In Hillary Clinton’s world, we are the “deplorables.” We are living in what is described as “fly-over country” by liberal politicians and the media.

We are the only people keeping this country afloat – we pay our taxes, we provide the human treasure in the form of military inductees to help fight their wars. We are the hardest working people, now working more for less, and paying more in taxes. We make the things and grow food people need and want. We are called all the vile and contemptible names liberals hurl in elections – it’s the same every four years. Their playbook never changes.

Finally, we have someone who is compelled to run for president because he is sick of what is happening to our country with these amateur, weak, and inexperienced leaders in charge for the last eight years. He is the only spokesman for the “deplorables,” as Mrs. Clinton describes us – those that see what is happening and want real change. The Establishment Republicans had their chance and blew it – acquiescing to everything Obama wanted. They helped create the overwhelming support for Donald Trump.

Mr. Trump, good luck in your quest to change America for the better.

If you don’t win –

the rotting of America from within will continue …


Bob Moras
September 27, 2016
Just a couple of comments with regard to Hillary's characterizations and diatribe about all us unwashed racist, homophobe, islamaphobists. First off, it is really irritating to me that Hillary would think that anyone without a college education lacks the mental ability to choose a political candidate or to recognize some of the failures of the policies of the administration over the last 8 years. I, myself have a GED Diploma, that I received while serving in the military. I did not finish high school and went into the military at 17, during a time when most young men were fleeing to Canada or trying to avoid military service. I won't go into the particulars, other than to say my father had 3 heart attacks and my family was stressed financially. So, I gave up my dream of becoming a teacher and sent money home to my family. That being said, I did not give up on educating myself, remaining aware of the political world or going on to become a successful middle management executive in business, owning my own business and surviving in the world economically. To me, Hillary's comments are not only insulting, but a definite clue as to how she feels about anyone that had to do things such as I did. In essence, she is an elitist, thinking as others of her ilk, that only they know what is best for all us uneducated idiots that take up residence in America. Or that of any other smug individual that holds a piece of paper that makes them think they are smarter than anyone who does not. What she fails to recognize is the value of common sense in comparison to being "Book Smart". I along with many other uneducated dolts of this country can say unequivocally, that some of the dumbest people I have ever met are highly educated, in that they may have crammed a lot of knowledge into their craniums, but have an inability to use it. There is a huge difference in knowledge and wisdom. and making correct decisions, Oh, they (the educated) may be able to sling words and even say a mouthful without meaning, but that does not make them wise or capable of choosing for others. To me life's experiences and using logic are as or more valuable in many instances than a Harvard Education. And finally, I have to point out that Ben Carlson, to name one Trump supporter, is a prime example of the fallacy of her characterization of a deplorable Trump supporter. I will go further by saying that anyone with an elitist self important attitude, such as her own, probably has more prejudices than many of the unwashed idiots she has characterized as such. There is nothing wrong or lacking by being a common man. There is nothing wrong with anyone that views things differently than another, because of his/her own life experiences. What is wrong, is to think you know what is best for someone, when you have no idea of what the needs and/or desires are for any particular segment of society . And to name others as deplorable, because they differ from you and your picture of what a perfect world would be, is far more deplorable to me.
Free Market Man
September 28, 2016
Amen brother, Amen!!
Robert M Traxler
September 29, 2016
Mr. Moras, You sir have a masters degree in life, worth more than a degree from any Ivy covered college. Thank you for your service, your time in the Coast Guard is worth more than years in college. The liberals in our nation just do not understand the American people and feel we all are children to be parented by them.
Mike Williams
September 27, 2016
Who to vote for? T R U M P! What do we have to lose??????
September 28, 2016
So, the people described pay their taxes? Donald said, "If I don't pay taxes, that makes me smart, right?" Do you think those hard working Americans that do pay taxes admire Donald for being "smart" in this way?
Bob Moras
September 28, 2016
Mr. Basura...... No one likes paying taxes. That being said, No, I do not think people that have to pay taxes have a positive view of Trump not paying any, especially because he brags about being so rich. But deep down inside, it is mostly jealousy. Most of us would wiggle out of paying taxes if we could. I no longer pay taxes, other than those I can not avoid such as property and sales taxes (as I am retired). And honestly, I really would have not minded paying taxes, if it were not for all the government waste. It always kind of set me off when I would read about a government study about why a flea does not mate with a warthog and other such things. It also bothers me some that we spend billions on building schools, roads and hospitals overseas, in countries that are not true allies. Call me cold hearted, but we have a huge federal deficit and many of our own citizens are neglected, while we shovel tons of our tax dollars overseas. Illegal immigrants enter our country and are given food, health care and housing, while citizens here must struggle for those very same things. I know I have gotten a little off topic here. But it seems to me that our whole federal budget is way out of kilter, with regard to the well being of our own citizens, not to mention our roads, bridges and other public utilities. The rage that is a result of this boondoggle of federal spending has had an impact on our thought processes and has radicalized our electorate. Good or Bad, Mr. Trump is the product of this rage. And until we get our act together, citizens of this country will grasp at any idea or opportunity to try and rectify this. I for sure know one thing, we can not just keep going along, as we have, having arrived at where we are now. I truly feel we are at a turning point in our seeking out of populist representation. Trump , may be a poor choice as a beginning of that, but he has shown that the desire of the electorate is present for change in the way this country is run. I will vote for Trump with some trepidation, but with less trepidation than the prospect of Hillary and the status quo.
September 30, 2016
Like Forest Gump said " I am not a smart man." Hillary is in the political clique and a crook. Never will I vote for her. You " smart" people, go and vote....

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