Now that the political dust has somewhat settled, and with all the consternation and hand-wringing by the Democrats about Donald Trump’s win, they are still asking themselves “what the hell happened.”

A number of weeks ago, the author of Wayland Townbroadcast wrote a fine piece titled “Yes It is, It’s True: ‘Cabaret’ was a musical with a lesson.” Being one that usually cringes when I see one of his screeds (as I’m sure he does the same with mine), he truly outdid his usual self in this article, probably his best in months.

Within the article, he examined the reason we wound up with Donald Trump instead of Queen Hillary and his answer is us, the voters. In short, the voting public likes shiny objects, baubles, flash and panache. We are shallow and uneducated in the fine art of politics. As he said, “We’ve slowly become a combination theocracy and oligarchy with an attitude of hubris and hostility.” His observation, while insightful and well-meaning, is off target and by quite a bit, but he has a few points well observed.

I agree with the piece in that there is about 40% of the electorate, all the media, and most of the politicians in D.C. have the flaws that Mr. Young described. The other 10-15% are clueless. The rest are proud Trump supporters because just “tweaking” the entrenched political class is not enough to produce change.

Only by clearing out President Obama appointees, left leaning bureaucrats and Remocrats (guys like McCain and Graham) from their comfortable positions of power will Washington D.C. change and things can get done. And if they don’t or we can’t get them to leave, make it so uncomfortable for them to remain, they end up supporting the Trump agenda.

The main reason Queen Hillary lost is because everyone who is a working stiff knows Washington is broken, where politicians are voted in as regular folks and all come out multi-millionaires (how does that happen without graft and corruption involved?). Corporate support for elections buy votes for support of corporate objectives. The politicians forget the working folks, the ones who go to the polls to vote every election. This time shiny objects, baubles, flash, and panache didn’t win.

Mr. Trump was speaking directly to the voters, saying what he meant, meaning what he said, and received the vote. And he has been delivering in the short time he’s been president. And the media doesn’t have a clue on how to handle President Trump. He is playing them like a violinist plays a Stradivarius. The media are flummoxed by President Trump, just like they were while he was garnering all the oxygen in the room in the primaries.

His tweets start the media day, and they chase the story all day and into the night, while he’s on to other important issues. They are always a day behind and they make things up. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, and others consistently report fake news. If you want to see what is going to be in tomorrow’s headlines, read other media, like Drudge Report. Matt Drudge pulls from all media sources to post on his site.

CBS found out about President Bill Clinton’s tryst with Monica Lewinsky and sat on the story, Drudge found out about it and reported the story and CBS was forced to follow suit, since it was given to them in the first place. The media no longer reports the news, they make it up so disguise it, the truth never is reported.

Common people (cited as “deplorables” by Hillary) who pay taxes and vote aren’t the dunces the elitists, statists, and Democrats think they are. They just haven’t been presented with a “huge shift” candidate before, just the lesser of two evils. This time, they were fired up and ready to pull the lever for Trump, much to Queen Hillary’s detriment.

Mrs. Clinton neglected the masses, the polls were close in many states, but she wasn’t physically up to the task to travel, give speeches, asking for support, she was resting for the coronation that never happened, thank God!

She appeared to be a physically sick and weak person by the end of the race. Besides, she had it in the bag as the polls were indicating to her and her handlers. Former President Bill Clinton warned her (he saw the gathering dark clouds) to visit Wisconsin and she didn’t (she lost WI), she made a mad scramble to visit Michigan a few times in the last week (she lost MI) – she didn’t have a clue the swing states Trump had to take were not solidly with her and she lost the election, an election she supposedly had “in the bag.”

Polling is a joke, not accurate, and doing a poll every day is a waste of time and money. The people aren’t fooled any more by polls. Democrats must find out what the voting public wants and the elites, statists, and globalists aren’t in vogue any more. Finding a “new” Democrat will be hard, the party has been going left of left, towards the extreme “nutty” category. The “bench players” Democrats have are old, tired, and the few young ones are leftys of the worst stripe, bordering on Marxist/Communist in thought.

I agree with Mr. Young’s parting paragraph, “And, as the late great George Orwell said, people who vote to tyrants are not victims, they are accomplices.” I agree, and we just got rid of the tyrant and finally voted in someone who will get things done for us, not to us! I’m sure Mr. Young has a different opinion.

You want change, vote Republican; you want the same – high taxes, wars, debt and deficits, more spending, keep voting Democrat.

The stench of D.C. is slowly going away, the rotting of America from within is getting better every day, and there is a new sheriff in town and his name isn’t Reggie Hammond, but President Trump. The deplorables have spoken and a new day in America has begun.


Bob Moras
March 7, 2017
"His tweets start the media day, and they chase the story all day and into the night, while he’s on to other important issues." This may be a little off topic from your excellent Column today, but I thought I might add a thought that is pertinent to this comment of yours. Has it occurred to anyone that much about Government wire tapping and spying is coming out after Trump's last tweet about Trump Tower being tapped? For instance. It has come to light that all citizen phone conversations and emails are stored by our government? They can then be mined, via a warrant, for any pertinent reason any of our Intelligence Agencies would put forth? Has anyone noticed the extent of spying that Obama and his Justice Department participated in? Foreign countries (France, Germany & Mexico, to name a few) News Journalists and Commentators (James Rosen quickly comes to mind) and Obama singled out the Director of the Rules Division of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Johann Human and the list goes on. All these things are now coming back into the news after Trump made his Saturday night tweet. And finally, the news outlets that headlined stories of "Trump Aides Inquiry From Wire Taps via a FISA Warrant" are in the spotlight, mostly the New York Times. What is most interesting about the New York Times story is this, either it was a "Fake News" story to promote Trump ties to Russia or it is TRUE. Either way, Trump's Tweet, has him a winner either way. Trump's rants of "Fake News" is proven correct or Obama overstepped his authority by bugging the Trump Campaign. In any event, there is an investigation instigated to get to the bottom of all this. Will more findings negative to Democrats come out because of it? People may think he was foolish for putting out that Tweet, but to me, it looks like he has outfoxed his detractors again. Will be interesting to see how this all shakes out. But for now, all those calling Trump a Fascist, must also take notice of Obama and his tactics while President.
Free Market Man
March 7, 2017
Mr. Moras, As usual, you make good points and analysis is spot on. The only exception to your response is the need for a warrant to tap phones to gain information. All citizens, but especially those with the most to lose or gain, are monitored by our NSA. The president can ask for information to be given to him and it can be obtained without a warrant. Don't believe me, look it up - it is true. As for Obama, his Marxist ways should be disturbing to everyone, but everyone turns their head because of his race - they don't want to be burdened with the racist/bigot broad brush that happens every time he speaks and someone objects to what he said. He was the worst president in my lifetime and probably will be ranked near or at the bottom once the truth comes out and time moves on. History is cruel to those that try to hide their evil deeds and they are revealed.
Robert M Traxler
March 9, 2017
Rule one, disagree with the left and you are stupid; rule two, disagree with a liberal and you are a racist, sexist, bigot, Nazi. Our friends on the left totally believe they are the ruling class that needs to be in loco parentis (surrogate parents) and make decisions for us. If you disagree with them it is never that they are wrong, it is that you are just plain, old-fashioned stupid.

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