The Great Divide

When you first start to read this I prRanger Rick Art_7_0_0esume you are thinking, what divide? Between Democrats and Republicans, racial divide, Michigan vs. Michigan State?

No, the divide is between “Establishment Republicans” and the poor, unwashed masses known as Conservatives (which include every faction of little “r” republicans other than establishment Republicans). They are the hated common folks which also comprised of the Tea Party, Constitutionalists, Libertarians, Free Market Thinkers and the like that vote Republicans into power, only to find out their candidates have no conservative bones in their respective bodies. Liars, charlatans, cheats describe the Establishment Republicans (also referred to lovingly by Ranger Rick as “Remocrats”).

Why do I call them Remocrats?– because they are Democrat Light – not quite as nutty, crazy, loony or outlandish as Democrats, but they don’t dare confront or argue with Democrats – they go along, to get along – they strive to have everyone like them, especially the media for their middle of the road, moderate, milquetoast stances. Never get on the media’s bad side, never be against the Democrat and presidential stances – they might act tough, but they always cave — they offer no defense of issues you believe in, and vote with the Democrats or offer no opposition.

And you wonder why Donald Trump and other “outsiders” to the political landscape are so popular?

The American people – the working, thinking, believing in something other than themselves (oh no, you mean religious?), the “workers and doers” in our society, are sick and tired of being sick and tired and attacked. They pay more in taxes than any other faction of society, they believe in the country, believe in hard work and merit, believe in profit and wealth building for their families and contribute to charities – they are not nor would ever think to turn to the dark side – Democrats. They have to vote for the lesser of two evils, so they hold their respective noses and pull the lever or darken the circle on the ballot for Remocrats.

Who are the Remocrats? Congressional folks such as Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Pat Toomey, John Thune, Lamar Alexander, Thad Cochran, Orrin Hatch, Paul Ryan, former Speaker John Boehner, our own Fred Upton – just a sampling of many of the “me too – go along to get along – Remocrats (Democrat light).” These are the folks that say one thing on the campaign trail to get elected when addressing the voting unwashed masses, but completely and conveniently forget their promises when arriving back in Washington D.C. Balanced budgets, slowing spending, attack Obamacare for the money-pit it has become, strengthening the military, out of control immigration, etc. are no longer discussed nor in their “wheelhouse” of issues to bring up in the House and Senate.

Enter Trump, Ted Cruz, and to some extent, Maco Rubio, into the political fray.

I must admit my bias for Cruz, the smartest guy in the Senate or House and immensely smarter than the anointed one – Barack Hussein Obama. This guy has presented before the U.S. Supreme Court as Texas Solicitor General and out of nine cases, lost only one, with overwhelming odds predicted before his appearance by the press and court observers/pundits. Cruz is the best of the best. I predict after the February primaries – it will be clear, Cruz will be the front runner for the republicans, much to the loathing of Remocrats.

But even with Trump and Rubio, they vastly and overwhelmingly would be better than President Obama or Mrs. Clinton – by a mile. Immigration would be addressed, budgets would lean toward being balanced, military strengthened, our allies being our friends and supporters again, and our enemies respecting (and fearing) the strength of the United States. Being friendly toward business instead of antagonistic, allowing a lower corporate tax rate so companies would bring jobs back to the U.S. and they would be competitive without having to ever leave the country again to do so. They would also lower taxes to the rest of the public to help in motivating more economic activity. Why? When you have more money in your pocket, you have more to spend.

Economics, according to Democrats, is a static game. When someone is successful, it must be because they are stealing from others, not providing a service or product needed by the public. As President Obama said “You didn’t build that” — well who the hell did? Certainly not a politician, nor a professor, or some other liberal charlatan – they like to work with other people’s money and energy. Some professors are professors because they either love teaching their subjects or dislike working for a living. Academia is their religion. The expanding economy is the secret every politician loves to talk about but none, other than republicans, not Remocrats nor Democrats, understands how it works.

When people are given the freedom to be successful (yes, making money – profit) so the business or company can remain viable and hopefully expand, hiring more employees, offering more goods and/or services to the buying public, everyone benefits. More tax revenue, more taxpayers. Whenever tax rates are lowered, shazaam, more tax revenue is generated from the increased overall business activity.

It works every every time it is tried, yes, it’s true, every time.

When taxes are imposed, the economy contracts, just as surely as water turns to ice in cold, freezing temperatures. It works that way every time it is imposed on business, yes, it’s true, every time. Unintended consequences regulated and generated by human behavior.

Are you going to work better under good conditions, being treated and compensated fairly with minimum payroll taxes imposed, or will you work better under lousy conditions and only making minimum wage no matter how many years’ experience you have with maximum payroll taxes imposed?

Have you ever heard the saying “The beatings will continue until morale improves” – this is the liberal politician’s view of how to motivate human behavior – specifically Democrats, to a lesser extent, Remocrats also.

Politicians always discount human behavior in their calculations when imposing taxes and regulatory burdens on business. They don’t understand economics and human behavior and how they are intricately intertwined in the American psyche. Until they do, the Democrats will always, yes, always fall back to more taxing and regulations are best. If you don’t believe me, please look at all the taxes and regulations imposed by this administration the last seven years. Remocrats shrug their shoulders and go along to get along.

Real republicans (little “r”) understand economy and human behavior and how devastating government can be on their lives. Look at Obamacare – what is happening? Not much good and not 30 million signed up by now as predicted, only 11 million – it’s falling under its own weight. More people are out of work than ever. Why? Because small companies struggling in the marketplace (usually resturants/fast food) cannot afford to pay for medical insurance or Obamacare tax, so if they have more than 50 employees, they cut their hours so they are no longer considered full-time employees.

A fool could see this coming – human behavior. Obama and his liberal fools couldn’t or wouldn’t? And you wonder why so many people are working two, three or more jobs? Foolish government actions produce results such as these. Instead of establishing a safety net of some type for the folks who didn’t have health insurance (at the time, estimated at 11 million uninsured), the Democrats do what they always do, nationalize it, making the industry bow to power – that’s what this is – a power grab. It isn’t anything but a power grab by those unable to determine how to go about or implement it without confusion, consternation, and disillusionment.

The greatest health care in the world made into a third world health provider like Russia and Canada. Where do Canadians go for elective or emergency surgery if they can’t wait? — south to the United States. It would have been far less expensive and much more efficient if we had just paid for the uninsured and left the medical insurance industry alone. They did get medical help anytime by going to Emergency in any hospital – legally, they couldn’t turned away.

If you think the federal government implementing Obamacare is going to be cheaper and run efficiently and effectively, think again. What does the government manage that works at all besides the post office (that’s dubious) and Social Security (run with OUR money).

Writing this, the stock market is in free fall both here and in China. That wonderful economy Obama has created isn’t working out? To those of you with large amounts of money in 401K or any other investment vehicle, you better hope this isn’t a sign of something more than a dip, or the very extreme, a recession, because everything this administration has done has weakened this economy.

If you think as President Obama – to fundamentally change this country, and to keep that going, vote for Mrs. Clinton (Progressive Democrat – aka “Socialist) or Bernie Sanders (Socialist, aka Progressive Democrat/Communist).

It has been working out great so far, hasn’t it?


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