Now that the investigation by Robert Mueller is over and it was determined there was no Russian “collusion” between the Trump campaign before or during the election, the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is in overdrive.  Since there was no “collusion,” they have to get him on something — oh, let’s try obstruction of justice.

Before we get on with this analysis, I knew what I was getting when I voted for President Trump.  I didn’t vote for a slick, lying politician, lawyer scumbag.  I voted for someone to get things done – get the economy growing, get better trade deals, get rid of excessive and redundant regulations, build the Wall and rewrite the immigration laws and most of all get some respect back.

I wanted a doer, a forward thinker, a “git ‘er done” president like President Kennedy.  Democrats can say President Obama had a great economy — you know,  I know, and they know that is B.S. and a lot of it.  The worst economy and growth over 8 years since WWII and any president doesn’t blame his predecessor for eight years – get some testicles and take responsibility for your lousy policies/initiatives.

Americans watched their jobs being sent overseas and their president bowing to leaders of other countries and telling Americans their country was not exceptional.  Any person seeking the presidency should know they will be leading an exceptional country and if they don’t believe so, they should not seek the office.  If you’ve read previous posts, you know how I feel about President Obama and I shall not repeat what was previously conveyed.

John F. Kennedy, a Democrat that had conservative ideas – lowering tax rates to increase tax revenue, investments in infrastructure, and growing the economy.  He wouldn’t recognize his party now;  kooks on steroids, Communists, Socialists, Marxists, radical thinkers and enemies within the republic — a party bereft of ideas except for impeach Trump,  impeach Trump, impeach Trump!  You folks who voted for Democrats in 2018 — congratulations. You voted for the most inexperienced, inadequate and unresponsive House of Representative members ever.  The only thing they think and care about is getting rid of Trump.  That is a big “screw you, voters” — we don’t care a whit about you or getting things done for you, we want Trump gone.

To Democrats in the House, I say good luck with that.  But before there can be obstruction, there must be a crime, and there was none, ever.  There was a lot of talk and bluster by the President and his Administration about the investigation.  But there was nothing but cooperation whenever they asked for information, documents and witnesses.

There was a crime, but it was by Hillary Clinton, her campaign and the Democrat Party.  From lying about her getting coaching about the Democrat primary debates to the Steele dossier that was a farce and looked at by the CIA and FBI and not vetted because they knew it was a farce.  But that didn’t make any difference, it was something to attack Trump about.

Even Bob Mueller knew it was suspect, but the  judge signed the FISA document was lied to by whoever asked for the warrant.  There was no investigation to present evidence of a crime.  So somebody asking the FISA Court for the warrant lied to the FISA judge, making the judge presume they were acting in good faith to issue the warrant.  She had classified communication on a private server and her assistant (Huma) shared these with her husband, these were on his computer as the FBI found them.

The whole case revolved around the Steele dossier and was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and/or the Democrat party.  Since nobody has raised their hand, it could be by either or both.  But it was said many times by the press and others the Steele dossier was paid for and endorsed by both.  So the crime seems to lie squarely on the Democrats paying for the dossier and the following actions and hiding of the information chain and all information, policies, communication and communication devices from the appearance of the dossier to now.

Maybe now we can know who the real conspiracy folks are in this debacle (huge lie) if an investigation is opened on who created this charade.  It should begin post haste. Spying on your competition is not unusual, but using government entities to do so is illegal and should scare every American -anyone could be subjected to this at any time for whatever reason.

Wake up America, your country is turning into a police state by Democrats.

The rotting of America from within continues…

1 Comment

May 8, 2019
Oh, Rick. Are you so naive to believe Jerry Falwell, Jr.'s comments about Trump, that he is "a great father", and Jesus-like? This was just before the Iowa caucuses. And just after Trump's fixer, Michael Cohen, made some "racy', and "personal" pictures featuring the televangelist and his wife go away? But you're right - Trump is not very slick. Good thing Daddy Trump left his a big pile o' money.

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