To our Canadian friends; “Come on in, the water’s fine.”

Your “La La Land” of love and acceptance has been shattered by someone in Toronto driving a rented van on the sidewalk killing people. As of this this writing date, 10 dead and five injured. My condolences to the families of the dead and wishing the injured will fully recover.

The image of the tough Mountie and independent, tough, Canadians has changed into soft, mushy, new-agers, not unlike “Moonbeam” Jerry Brown’s California, specifically San Francisco; the city of love and inclusion, drug use, filth, and sewage in the streets. Toronto, from what I’ve heard (never been there) is beautiful, but possibly not for long if they follow the San Francisco model.

The aftermath interviews with city officials and the Prime Minister display they are in shock – how could such a terrible thing happen here; here in La La Land, where everybody is equal, everyone is accepted, everyone is loved? Evidently, some are miserable and sick in the head to initiate a crime such as this. What citizen doesn’t like La La Land?

Canada, where obtaining a weapon is harder than finding hen’s teeth, is now trying to explain what went wrong. It sounds like a mentally deranged man did the unthinkable. Now the demonization will start with woulda, shoulda, coulda.

Let’s examine it like your evil, gun toting friends to the south have done – here’s some sure-fire, hip, new age recommendations on how to go about it:

You must have a spokesperson. A soft, skinny, pencil-necked, innocent looking waif with a filthy, invective, and hate-filled-speech mouth, preferably without 5 o’clock shadow, with a dimpled smile and a cutesy name… like Danny Pigg.

Then attack the object of death dealing – the GM (General Motors) van. Vilify Ryder Rentals and GM with expletives and saying “They have blood on their hands”! All van and truck drivers in Canada are complicit and have blood on their hands! Have protests with signs and bullhorns marching down the street where the crime took place, condemning Ryder and GM and ask for GM to end their production of “assault vans”.

Examine the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers and the UAW for allowing vans to be made and excoriate their efforts. They all have blood on their hands! Find out what banks and advertising agencies/advertisers that support GM in business and denounce them. Make them flee from their support of GM in their efforts to produce and market vehicles to the uninformed public. Demand they place a sign on each vehicle for sale “this is a weapon of death” with a skull and crossbones in the windows so the public knows what they are buying. A killing machine indeed!

Anyone owning a GM van in Canada should be ashamed of having blood on their hands! Make sure to have the protesters chant that in their protests to shame all GM van owners and van owners in general – they are all scumbags. Empty all office and retail shops with owners and workers participating in the protest. Have numerous protests, so the media can get a good look at the hatred for GM and Ryder and give the viewers on TV a reality check – GM and Ryder are at fault!

We must end the production of GM vans and all other vans made by other manufacturers. They all have blood on their hands! And have Danny Pigg in the picture every time this is aired so the incident has a face to go with it. Have Danny interviewed every day to make sure this message gets out to everyone, so GM and Ryder will really be hurt by this terrible incident losing business. Everybody associated with them in the past will drop them as business partners. If they don’t drop them, they have blood on their hands!

Is this idiotic? Will this be Canada’s way of handling the situation? But think, on Feb, 14, we didn’t have a clue either.

Would you ever had thought and inanimate object (rifle) would be blamed for all the killings at Marjorie Stoneman-Douglas High School in Parkland, FL? And when it happened on Feb. 14, what happened?

Yes, Mr. Cruz was arrested for the killings earlier in the day, but he was never vilified and condemned as much as the weapon he used to kill 17 people. He was undoubtedly mentally ill. With a reported 39 police visits at his home concerning his behavior, and there was no indication he was an accident waiting to happen?

I don’t see a “Danny Pigg type” yet on the TV. Maybe David Hogg and his Democrat handlers can be recruited by Toronto to put an experienced, more liberal spin on it?

The result:

Canada will blame everyone but the driver of the van.

We must help the poor soul with all this hate in his heart. The victims and injured, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, bad timing indeed. The van must be blamed, because how else would this poor deranged person be able to kill/injure so many people?

The auto industry must have a warning signal that indicates the van is on the sidewalk instead of a roadway. Maybe the unfortunate person had a recognition problem, thinking he was on the road instead of the sidewalk? Or should there be a psychological test all Ryder truck renters must take before they are deemed sane to operate such death dealing vehicles?

Or would it be much easier to just ban all vans from being rented or owned by anybody in Canada – they are “death machines”! Round them up and get rid of them!


The rotting of America (and now Canada) from within continues/starts…







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