The professional agitators are in force in Seattle and Portland.  Folks, these are not people upset about George Floyd’s death, this is an opportunity to cause unrest because they don’t like anything Trump.

Let’s call it what it is — criminal activity, not protests, not grieving people, in fact look at the people in the crowds.  If 10 percent of the people involved are minorities, that is a stretch.  Most are white young people, most just milling around and letting the professional agitators do their thing, starting fires, lighting mortar fireworks, throwing stones, bricks, frozen water bottles at police and federal officers protecting the federal buildings being attacked.

The governors, mayors, police chiefs (all Democrats) who have run these states/cities for decades care not a whit for the law-abiding citizens.  Their “stand down” orders to the local police encourages these vermin to continue their George Soros-backed “protests” to continue.  Who has the funds, time, and effort to do these terrible things if they are not professionals?  Maybe a community organizer?

When is this coming to an end?  It is evident the message is “don’t vote for Trump or you’ll get more of this.”  But in reality if Biden is elected, expect this type of violence to expand into the hinterlands.

Russia, Russia, Russia was their ace in the hole.  When that crapped out and nothing found, COVID-19 miraculously showed up, an engineered virus from China.  Being shut down for months with the economy on the brink, old George saw an opportunity.  BLM and Antifa were called up to start the chaos and George Floyd’s death was icing on the protest cake.

They could cloak their “protest” with racial clothing and demand the MLB, NFL, NBA, companies give them cash to continue their onslaught of government violence.

The Groundhog and the Organizer

I’m sure the greatest community organizer loves the consternation and chaos – Obama eats this stuff up.

He and Biden in the latest ad that was shown the last few days — what a joke!  Obama had to suck it up and help old “Groundhog” Joe out of the basement and into a suit to show how presidential Joe is.  Of course, Groundhog had to really bear down to stay awake and it looked as though he was spacing out while Obama spoke.

But when you’re losing your grip on reality caused by dementia and/or Alzheimer’s, this is what it looks like.  He needs to be in a nursing home, not on a stage trying to debate President Trump.  He doesn’t know what day it is or where he’s at.

Was distracted driving cause of fatal traffic crash? 

It was reported three people were riding horses in Leighton Township last weekend when they were struck by a motorist, killing one woman, injuring another, and killing two of the horses.

Considering the age of the driver (22), I would presume she was distracted using her phone or reacting to a call or message.  I say this because daily I see people driving coming toward me or I’m following with their head down looking at a hand held device. They are easy to pick out, weaving on the road, slowing and speeding up, missing traffic signals; but their faces are glued to that screen.

I sincerely hope this is not the case that took a young woman’s life along with two innocent horses.  But knowing the behavior I see every day on the road, I’m afraid this may be the cause.

What will happen to the young woman from Byron Center?  My hope she is an example for those who continue to view their phones while driving and she is given jail or prison time.  But knowing our legal system, she will serve 10 days in jail, $1,000 fine (where do those fines go and how are they used?), and three years probation.

A family is missing their loved one, and the woman from Byron Center has to live with this tragedy for the remainder of her life.  Sad, and so, so preventable.  Get the hell off the phone while driving!

We can’t continue shutdown because of the Coronavirus

The Communist Chinese Coronavirus continues to inflict pain and suffering in all states.  Of course, the fatality rate is small compared to the positive patients surviving the virus.  That is small consolation for those who’ve lost loved ones.

Is this any different from other viruses such as the flu?  Millions have died over the centuries from viruses before but we’ve never shut down most of the economy and schools to combat it.  Why is this virus so different?  And even the “experts” know the testing can give you false positive results, which are tallied as a “positive” in the overall rate of infection.

One young man said his brother died in a motorcycle accident and on the death certificate the cause was listed as COVID-19.   When a gentleman brought his 90+ year old grandfather to the emergency room and he was tested for COVID-19 to be allowed in emergency.  His test was negative.  He was COPD afflicted from years of cigarette smoking, poor health and he died after receiving fluids and oxygen for a few days.  His death certificate said cause of death was COVID-19. His grandson said he died of old age, COPD and poor health.

The best economy in the world, crippled by COVID-19.  Trillions spent trying to keep people housed and fed and money in their pockets, thanks to the U.S. taxpayer.  This has got to end.  We can’t keep the country closed.

We need to get back to work, back to school and college, and start living again.  For those of you so scared or feel as though your health is so compromised you can’t afford to get the virus, please be like Groundhog Joe and stay in your house or basement.  The rest of us will pick up the slack and slough on!

The rotting of America from within continues…

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