Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0The media’s fascination with Donald Trump’s rise in the Republican political scene during the primaries is a joke. They are baffled about why Trump is so popular. The media is the most clueless bunch of idiots, along with establishment Republicans (the likes of McCain, Graham, and McConnell) – they can’t understand the traction this guy is getting. Duh! What is so hard to understand?

The normal man or woman on the street is mad as hell about what has happened for some time. The massive debt, the layoffs, the bankruptcies, the poor state of our armed forces (both morale and equipment), the loss of stature on the world stage – making enemies of our allies and trying to make friends of our enemies (and failing), very anemic economic growth, over 97 million eligible working age people not working, 49 million on welfare and food stamps, open borders, illegal immigration, etc.

And government goes on as if nothing has or is happening. Nothing to see here, move along, ignore the man behind the curtain!

As I write this, I heard Mitt Romney’s repudiation of Donald Trump’s candidacy. Where was his backbone four years ago, when the poorest performing president since Jimmy Carter was in office and ripe for defeating, and he backed off his attacks and analysis that had substance and truth behind them concerning President Barack Obama and his administration? And then attacking the present leader in the primary for the Republican Party – the same banner he ran under last time?

Trump is not a good candidate and Obama was? Mitt, go back to Massachusetts and suck a lemon. As much as I think you are a moral and honest politician, this performance is only at the insistence of the Establishment Republicans (RINOs), not the Republican Party that is enraged at what has become of their country since Obama and his inexperienced, inept administration have been in power.  When it comes to Romney, I defer to the Vince Lombardi quote “show me a gracious loser, and I’ll show you a loser.”

As for the illusion of Trump being a bigot in light of the KKK question the media put up, they never ask Mr. and Mrs. Clinton about honoring Senator Robert Byrd (a real KKK member) or Senator Fulbright, a real bigot (adamant in opposing the Civil Rights Act and a mentor to Bill Clinton) – guilty of association as they tried to do to Trump.

Don’t get the wrong idea; I’m not a supporter of Trump. But he has just as much right to run for president as anyone else. The voters decide.

However, when you look at the alternatives; either a lying, Marxist, Alinskyite (follower of Saul Alinsky – radical Marxist from Chicago), elitist, sexual enabler to her husband like Mrs. Clinton or an old Socialist/Communist Bernie Sanders, Trump is better on his worst day than either of them. I’ve held my nose the last three presidential elections and darkened the circle for Bush, McCain, and Romney because I didn’t have a choice with the “D” side of the aisle of Kerry (elitist know-nothing and it shows since he’s been Secretary of State) and Obama (the most inexperienced, worst performing president ever).

If it comes down to that, I’ll hold my nose again instead of continuing the third term of Obama with either Clinton or Sanders and vote Trump, if he is the chosen presidential candidate of the Republican Party. The Democrat Party is so radical; President Kennedy wouldn’t recognize it any more. His thoughts and policies would be considered conservative and he wouldn’t have a place in the Democrat party. He even had the audacity to cut tax rates during his administration.

I think Cruz would be an excellent choice as president and would beat Mrs. Clinton like a drum in presidential candidate debates. He was the National Champion debater in college, won 9 of 10 cases before the Supreme Court; he is the most accomplished senator in his short time in office.

Republicans I talk to that say they won’t vote for Cruz because everyone in the senate hates the guy, I say “it’s because he’s exposed them for what they are; liars, charlatans, hypocrites and they don’t like it.” If he’s peeving people off, but says what he will do and he does it (not like the RINO liars), that’s the guy I want leading the country.

As a friend pointed out, we have two old white people for the Democrats and two Hispanics and a white guy for the Republicans still in the race. It is interesting that the media always looks at race for everything, but in examining race for the presidential candidates, it doesn’t come up to any large degree. Media bias? – Naw, just the elitist media supporting Democrats, as usual.

But it all boils down to who the American people supporting the Republican side of the aisle want to represent them in the presidential election. Whoever that is, they will be disparaged by the media as racists, homophobes, wanting to kill Grandma and Grandpa, on and on – the same political blather we hear in the media every election.

We’ve heard them all before – the “dog whistles” the Democrats march out for every election. The truth is, the Democrats are the ones being the oppressors to African Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans. They want open borders for cheap labor and new voters. They want the black and brown populations to remain loyal voters to the party and they will keep up the welfare, free handouts and keep Uncle Sam’s Plantation open to all. The only thing between a rut and a grave is depth, and the Democrats supply both, from womb to the tomb.

My greatest fear is that the pampered underclass population (we have the richest poor in the world) will never have the initiative to climb out of the ruts and stand on their own. If a recession or depression happens, and changes in the handouts happen, the rebellions of those dependent on government largess will become reality. And then it will really get ugly.

I hope this never happens, but with the debt piled up by the government, something has to give sooner or later.

As I always say, in almost every situation, the federal government is never, ever the solution. The people, local, and state government is the solution. The federal government always makes everything a mess and is inefficient and ineffective – creating mountains out of molehills with creating large bureaucracies to regulate molehills, squandering your money and more of the taxpayer’s treasure.

Don’t forget to vote in the primary election.

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