Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0Most of us have been laid off, fired, lost our job, job moved away, we moved away, job site destroyed, etc. and have had to find another place of employment – at least once during our lifetime.

I have been laid off a number of times, only to eventually return to my place of employment after being recalled. During those times, money was lean, belts were tightened, and I took entry level jobs just to earn enough to keep my family fed and a roof over our heads. There was unemployment, but it only lasted eight weeks at the time (later extended to 12). I found work, so I never was on it long.

Now, unemployment seems to be indefinite in length, even though I’m sure that is a myth, but it sure seems like unemployed folks now eat and survive pretty good from the time it happened to me and others in my generation. And it never seems to end for those of able-working age but without a job.

President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence met with Carrier Inc. decision makers, the manufacturers of air conditioners from Indianapolis. For their efforts, Carrier decided not to move approximately 1,100 jobs to Monterey, Mexico. Why couldn’t the Obama Administration elect to get off their fat behinds and save these jobs?

I know they believe in this globalist economy view, but we have to get serious about saving American jobs for Americans. Otherwise Mexico and other low cost labor countries will be getting the treasure, while we will be getting the bill in the form of more illegal immigrants sucking the federal teat (welfare). Why is it offered in the first place to illegals ignoring our laws and invading this country to become our burden? I know some of them will get jobs and pay taxes, but many still claim benefits and get them based on need. What a country! No wonder they trek across the border to get to the land of plenty!

If this initiative by Trump and Pence to save American jobs doesn’t show the winds of change are about to start blowing in a good way and the stench of stagnation of the past eight years be eliminated, you better hold on – more changes are coming – and in a big way! Thanks to them, Carrier and 1,100 jobs are staying and those jobs will create more wealth and opportunity for a myriad of others with the money being spent in the community. When jobs are moved and disappear, think of the ripple effect – less money in the community means less spent locally. This affects all peripheral businesses such as grocery stores, department stores, service stations, car dealerships, utility companies, etc. – you see and understand the spider effect of money leaving the community.

Think if Carrier is one of many that will understand the winds of change will affect their decision to move – help is on the way with the Trump/Pence Administration. This will be dramatic in changing the attitudes and opening opportunity for everyone wanting, needing, and getting a job. Does this sound like the 1980s again? If it is anything like the Reagan ’80s, we are in for more growth, more prosperity, and opportunity for everyone. Mo money, mo money, mo money!

The Democrats hate this, because they base all their economic decisions on a static economy – if someone is more successful, it’s only because they are stealing from somebody else. Since there’s only so much money and to get more for government, taxes have to be increased. Burdensome regulations place a yoke around business, slowing progress, and making them uncompetitive in the marketplace. This is ignorance of the worst order. Taxation is inverse to what Democrats believe – they believe the only way to get more money for government is to tax the producers, when the inverse is true, and true every time it is tried. Raising taxes stifles business activity and therefore, less revenue to the treasury.

Trump and Conservatives know the economy isn’t stagnant; it is only when Democrats are in power. When burdensome taxes and regulations are lifted, it generates economic activity. This creates wealth for citizens and more revenue for government. The whole concept of corporate taxation is a misnomer anyhow. Who pays those taxes imposed on corporations? Look in the mirror.

Any time a tax is increased, the corporation adjusts the price of whatever it is they are selling and the consumer bears the burden. So to those rabid Democrat and Remocrat politicians that want to tax corporations more and those supporting them and say “stick it to em” because of your unrelenting hatred for commerce and capitalism, get ready to pay more for your products. And when a company gets fined for whatever reason, where does that money go?

Trump is untested in the political world. At least the first steps in assembling an administration and helping fix the economy is positive. We can all hope his time as president will be more conservative than his predecessor and his compass will point to more freedom and liberty for you, and to use your money for your well being and not the giving more to the government. His focus will be to increase economic activity so everyone will benefit. A rising tide lifts all boats.

The rotting of America from within is showing progress toward health. Take a breath, it’s going to be a wild ride.




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