It’s a great time to be alive, especially for the politics. While the Democrats and RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) rail against anything Trump, he keeps winning and winning for the American people.

The economy under President Barack Obama bumped along at less than 2% or less GDP growth, the poorest of any post-WWII president. He foisted upon the American people the following: Obamascare, took over the guaranteed college loan program (and made the American taxpayer the holder of debt that in many instances will never be repaid), Cash for Clunkers (taking functioning vehicles and getting people into new or newer vehicles that in the end they couldn’t afford), continued to offer home and business loans to under-collateralized borrowers (putting the taxpayer on the hook for paying off the debt), and raised the federal debt to almost $9 trillion in less than eight years — more than any other president accumulated in office in U.S. history!

But enough about the failures of the Obama years. He’s history (thank God!) but he’s like Hillary Clinton — a gift that keeps on giving in speeches and quips to the media. You can’t reform Marxists, just vote them out of office. Why do Democrats select presidential candidates who hate the country and the American people?

Enter Donald J. Trump — 45th President of the United States. Whether you voted for him or not, he certainly is interesting and gets things done. Best economy in years and more people of color and women employed since the early 1970s. There is a shortage of experienced workers to fill the job openings and wages are rising because of growth exceeding job applicants. Over 4.1% GDP and rising.

I remember when he was elected, it was predicted by many the economy would head down, worse than the Obama years (if that was possible). I am of the opinion there is too much debt world-wide, and this is a concern. But right now, the only place investors can make any return on investment (ROI) is in the American stock market, and with all the foreign money investment, that is the reality for now.

When debt load is high and the markets heat up, inflation is right behind. We are seeing it now, but it has been artificially low during the Obama years that it had nowhere to go but up. But what is one man’s misery is another’s pleasure, so CDs and savings interest has slowly risen. When was the last time you saw a advertisement for a 4% CD? I saw one in the Sunday business section of the GR Press.

Being close to the mid-term elections, one has to assess the political and economic environment. Ask yourself, especially if you are working; is your employer hiring, are orders increasing, is more product being made and sold? If the answer is yes, then do you want a Democrat at any level in charge so they can screw up the economy as they always do?

Look at the big Democrat states and cities: California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Newark — all poorly run, in deep debt, and hemorrhaging taxpayer money. Sanctuary cities abound, homeless people in San Francisco are shooting up drugs and crapping on the sidewalks and streets and the politicians allow it, and more illegal aliens are released into our country.

You see the crowds of protesters in the media on your TV every night, shouting at congressional people, the President, and generally making fools of themselves. Yes, they have the right to protest, but the civil protest has gone beyond the pale and is into the realm of physical confrontations, blocking people from trying to get away from the crowds, and generally raising hell.

Where do these people come from and don’t they have jobs and families? Is their hate for this country and for President Trump outwitting Mrs. Clinton to the presidency the only thing in their lives? This looks like a well funded George Soros con-job. The old communist just can’t help himself but try to bring discord and disharmony to his adopted country. George, go back to the Hungarian hole you crawled out of and helped the Nazis during the war. You were a coward then and you are now, just with more money. But you are still a communist. Your country doesn’t even want you back, you’re so despicable.

I know many former Democrats that are so disgusted with the antics of the party in the past few years they will not vote for them. Many have cited the Kavanaugh episode as a deal breaker — guilty and having to prove innocence, all with no credible evidence. As the author of this publication has declared: “The Democratic Party became the party of working people and unions.” At one time, that was somewhat true, unions were the biggest contributor to the Democratic Party, but as the decline of the unions transpired, the Dems had to find another host to feed upon for sustenance.

So jettisoning the support of labor unions has not hurt them much since Wall Street, Hollywood, the media, and the all the alphabet soup groups have signed on and supported the liberal way. Thus paved the way for a Marxist like Obama and his minion, Mrs. Clinton. The “working people” were left in the dust and ignored.

This is one of the main reasons President Trump won, the so called “deplorables” as Mrs. Clinton described them felt they had no home in the Democratic party. Candidate Trump welcomed them and based his campaign on what they aligned with; jobs, growth, opportunity, stop illegals invading the country by building a wall, cut taxes and renegotiate trade deals. Trump has been true to his word.

The mid-term election is being touted as a “Blue Wave” Democrat majority for the House. Before you count your seats, Democrats, remember 2016 and the wailing and crying at the end of the night. And don’t believe the media hype and polls.

I hope the American people are again wise and elect mature people for office and not angry Democrats that have done nothing in the past and will not do anything constructive if elected. They have demonstrated they ARE the deplorables they so loudly call the Republican supporters. We need more Republicans, hopefully more conservative Republicans and not RINOs.

The rotting of America from within continues…


Harry Smit
October 23, 2018
Ranger Rick Again another excellent, thought invoking article... Yes, those cities you spoke of have real problems...I just am not sure one political party can take all the credit for the failure. I may stand corrected, but it's hard to imagine those states never had a Republican in charge. We may not approve, but it seems evident those living in the fore mentioned cities must be comfortable with the conditions, since they do not want to fix them. The real test for our Country will be if this "caravan " makes it to our border. Will those of us not immediately effected support what will need to be done. One has to really ask, is it truly possible this many people just decided one day to leave their country and walk thousands of miles to storm the borders of two Countries??? If there are 10,000 people in our Country willing to open their homes and support these individuals till they become citizens.....please come forward, and prove to the rest of us you are willing to be responsible for them. We are on a very "slippery slope " may not like our President, but supporting what must be done is crucial... Failure to stand United will be the downfall. To storm into a Country bypassing what is normally done just is not acceptable. If you honestly believe and support these people overrunning our border You are part of our Country's problem,,not the solution
Jake Gless
October 27, 2018
I’m sure I’ve pointed this out before, but continuing to refer to Obama as a Marxist only further exposes you as senile, “Ranger Rick.” Goldman Sachs paid more than an other entity to make Obama our president. Now why would Goldman Sachs install a Marxist as president? Do you honestly believe you know something about Obama that Goldman Sachs didn’t know? You are such a joke that deep down, even you yourself must know that you’re a joke, “Ranger Rick.” You have zero credibility—you are Fake News.

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