I read something pretty revealing last week. There was a discussion about “Gun Free Zone” signs at schools, colleges and churches.

Everyone knows this is a liberal chant and reverberation throughout the nation when it comes to gun violence. Ever notice the “mass shootings,” usually takes place where these gun free zones exist? Just coincidence or are those areas targeted by those wishing to do harm?

The liberal mantra is no guns allowed. Most reasonable people know how ignorant that statement is, because we no longer live in the world of the 1950s, when everyone knew firearms were for hunting, self-defense and war. I say the world of the 1950s, because we are far from it now and nobody remembers that far in the past, or at least won’t admit it. It was a great time to be alive, innocent and free from everyday violence we see today. Where a kid could be a kid and not be afraid to ride a bicycle or walk across town any time of day or night.

Enter the Journal News of Westchester, NY, that published the names and addresses of registered handgun owners in its coverage area. What a gutless and idiotic thing to do, but such is the realm of reality to liberals.

Posing as “Citizens Against Senseless Violence”, by Project Veritas; operatives visited the homes of Eric Holder and various liberal journalists to ask them if they would support the cause and post on their lawns a sign “THIS HOME IS PROUDLY GUN FREE”

Greg Shillinglaw of the Journal News stated “I do believe in it, but I think I’ll pass on it.” Evidently, he believes it only for others.

Next was the Journal’s Mike Meaney, “Sorry, I can’t help you” a woman behind the door exclaimed.

The next one was the Star Ledger’s Bob Braun, said “I agree with you and I am on your side on this, but I’m just wondering if that’s not an invitation to somebody with a gun!” Duh, genius at work!

I am of the opinion those in control of our schools allow “Gun Free Zone” signs on the school lawn and don’t do the same on the lawn of their personal dwelling, they really aren’t the people we want as administrators. When you believe in something, believe in it – otherwise, you’re just a hypocrite.

Our own superintendent, Norman Taylor, has exclaimed publicly more than once that Wayland Union Schools are Gun Free Zones. That would be fine with me if everyone would abide by the signs. But we all know a sign is a sign and not a deterrent to those wishing to do harm to others on school property. God forbid anything would happen on school grounds, but I’m sure the other schools and colleges that experienced gun violence thought the same way.

I’m bringing this up to show the folks reading this, that wishing no harm would come to school children doesn’t make it so. Liberals and elitists like platitudes and signs, evil people don’t read or listen — they do what they wish to commit disaster and mayhem.

And you never know when it will happen. When people know I have a concealed carry permit, they ask me what I’m scared of or why I carry. I always reply “Not a thing, but I’m always vigilant and aware of my surroundings” or “because a cop weighs too much.”

It is a shame we even have to think about carrying a weapon, but in these times, it is only prudent to have the capability to defend yourself. I’d rather be judged by a jury of 12 than be carried to my grave by 6.

To those of you believing the “Gun Free Zone” signage is a great idea, practice what you preach. Either have a sign on your lawn indicating your home is “gun free” or shut up. Inviting evil doers because of a stupid sign is just that — stupid. Your stupidity and elitist attitude shouldn’t put others in harm’s way.

Wherever Superintendent Taylor lives, I’m sure a “Gun Free Home” sign will be proudly displayed soon —Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0 right?

But the death of common sense comes at a time when it is needed most. Common sense isn’t so common anymore.

The rotting of America from within continues…




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