Whenever I would write an article and mention Barack Obama and was chastised for not addressing him as President Obama, I agreed with their viewpoint, and as much as I loathed the Destructor in Chief and Marxist President Obama, I addressed him correctly since then.

As for you TDS (Trump Dysfunctional Syndrome) afflicted Trump haters, I understand your pain – I had to endure eight years of misery with President Obama in office and nobody dared challenge him or his misguided policies and anyone who did was called a racist. Confederate statues existed during his presidency, but not a peep of removing them!

Donald Trump supporters are called Tumpsters or Trumpkins in this publication. I wear the badge of slang proudly! But please; call the president with his proper title of President Trump. No matter how angry you are that he outsmarted the smartest woman in the world, Secretary Hillary Clinton, kicked her in the electoral college, and even with all the media on her side, she could not overcome a neophyte wanna-be politician who wasn’t. He didn’t build an empire on bribes, stolen and foundation money like the Clintons.

After receiving a million dollar seed money inheritance from his father, Donald Trump built an multi-billion dollar empire in the rough and tumble business of real estate development in New York. And he did it the hard way – he earned it. He had a real job and provided real jobs, unlike our previous presidents, Obama and Clinton.

Being attorney general in Arkansas, governor of Arkansas, and President – three government jobs without ever being a working stiff in the real world for President Bill Clinton, and being a “community organizer,” state senator, senator and President for President Obama – jobs in government. He did hold an adjunct professor position for a few months at the University of Chicago, but not too many of his peers thought he earned it, nor thought he was good at teaching.

He (Obama) has an attitude of nonchalance, an air of indifference, superiority, and arrogance; one I’m sure based on his many years of being a drug user (member of the “Choom Gang” – dope smoking, wannabe tough drug guys in high school). He excelled in everything he ever tried, the only problem with that is no one can see his academic records – they are sealed. I’ve heard how smart he is; you would think he wouldn’t care if there was nothing to hide. Maybe he applied as a “foreign student” on his college entrance submission?

We were told he was an accomplished basketball player in high school and college – I watched him shoot baskets one day on camera and he hit 1 of 22 shots! He was as good a basketball player as he was president – a real loser. You would think the racial strife would lessen during his time as president, instead he helped increase it. With all the racist talk during his administration, how did he get elected without “racists (anybody white)” voting for him?

New York wanted to reconstruct the decrepit Wollman Ice Skating Rink in Central Park. Millions of dollars in plans, starts, and failures. Trump came in, said he could do it for three million in time for Christmas (six months’ time). He got it done under budget and in four months. A doer, not a talker (although he can be a great showman).

As Dizzy Dean once said, “It ain’t bragging if you can do it.” Trump did it and does it time after time.

Though President Trump can’t depend on establishment Republican support, he can depend on Republican conservatives and Tea Party support. He’s been vilified in the media, Democrats refuse to support anything, and he only has much of American people’s support. He has rolled back idiotic regulations, opened oil fields, supported the oil pipeline from Canada to Texas, selected and confirmed a conservative Supreme Court judge, and helped boost the stock market performance with business friendly legislation and executive orders.

The market shot to quick gains after his election and keeps on a steady increase. Not bad for six months’ work. Accomplished more in six months than President Obama in eight years. Oh, I know, you Libtards will point to Obamascare. Careful – it is failing under its own costs, insurance companies leaving, burdening regulations – Obamascare will be an albatross around the American taxpayer’s collective necks for years unless completely repealed. We need a market-based insurance program, not single payer.

Ms. Mandaville commented in another post, “I would really like to hear from those supporters who can speak to The Donald’s character and high-minded achievements.” I can address that: He ain’t President Obama, thank God! We need progress, jobs, opportunity, expanding markets, people working instead of on welfare – we’ve got a good start with Trump at the helm. Ms. Mandaville, his name is “President Trump”; please address him correctly.

I just think of the alternative, another “President Clinton” – just the thought makes me ill (like I’m sure President Trump affects you). Get used to it, I had to endure it for eight long years with President Obama. You’ve got 7 ½ years to go – enjoy the ride!

1 Comment

August 30, 2017
Define LIBTARDS, please. It looks like a conflation of liberal and retards. Was that your intent?

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