The Thoughts of a Town Idiot:

In my last post, I wanted to shed light on the gross negligence of the media and government in their continual lying, specifically concerning Vietnam after the Tet Offensive and earlier the President John F. Kennedy assassination.  Both were incorrectly analyzed and concluded.

“Uncle” Walter Cronkite, the foremost TV newscaster at the time, essentially said the Vietnam War was unwinnable, and the earlier assassination of President Kennedy was a the result of lone nut gunman called Lee Harvey Oswald.

After Tet, North Vietnam was reeling.  General Giap, due to the heavy losses of experienced combat troops, was intending to ask for peace negotiations before he viewed the American media response to Tet.  After, he said the war was America’s to lose, but American media and attitude after viewing Cronkite’s misinterpretation story about Tet being a huge loss for the Americans made him change his mind and they only had to wait out the Americans.

Giap was right, Cronkite was wrong, and so the 50,000+ young men and women were sacrificed on the battlefield – the brothers and sisters from my generation – sacrificed for nothing.  President Lyndon B. Johnson, being the biggest instigator in escalating the war and then abandoning the troops when his support was most needed, was befuddled.  More blood and treasure, for what end?

The JFK assassination debate can be concluded easily.  James Files says the bullet he used had mercury  implanted in the tip to help expand the mushrooming effect when it hit the target.  Mercury does not disappear from the skull area.  If JFK were exhumed and the skull examined for traces of mercury, and if found, James Files’ story of the assassination is true and the Lee Harvey Oswald being the lone shooter is false.

Files admitted Oswald was a patsy and never fired a weapon and Oswald didn’t kill Officer J.D. Tippet, another Mob man did — he was to eliminate Oswald and Tippet happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.  He said he and Charles (Chucky) Nicolletti were the shooters.  There may have been others he didn’t know about, but they were the shooters from the Mob and CIA perspective.

When the unknown shooter of Tippet  (Files knows the shooter but wouldn’t give him up because he was still alive at the time of the interview)and visited Files after the assassination at his motel and admitted he was there to kill Oswald but the officer got in the way, he didn’t know what to do — Files told him to get lost and not to bother him — the heat was on everyone.

The media has the power to change history, and they have.  The government lies to the American people and has gotten away with it because who’s going to question the government?

My esteemed editor has indicated he allows “town idiots” to express their opinion on his pages because he wants to present both sides.  I can’t speak for Army Bob, my good friend and conservative soul mate, but I’m grateful  Mr. Young lets me post my opinions.  I will gladly be called town idiot, redneck, dumb s#@t, homophobe, racist, xenophobe, deplorable and every other pejorative used to describe conservatives.

It’s not true, but I have big shoulders and anything a liberal, Marxist, statist, socialist, communist, Remocrat  says about a conservative just shows how we are getting to them and their love for socialism and socialistic twisted ideas.  For those who believe socialism is the way to go, please name one country that practices true, complete socialism and that is works.  Otherwise, please excuse my village idiot language, Shut up!

On another issue — “Fix the Damn Roads” — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, has put forth a $0.45 per gallon fuel tax proposal to fix the roads (and probably any other liberal idea she wants to add).  I am all for fixing the roads.  But we have a problem:

• The past administrations (Engler and Granholm) saddled us with road construction debt of $2.7 billion which is now down to $1.5 billion.  Gov. Snyder has paid down the debt with judicious use of taxpayer dollars.  But we still have $1.5 billion in outstanding road debt.

• There is no separate account for “road construction and maintenance” — it all goes into the general fund and is divvied up for whatever project the legislature/governor decides to spend it on.  Without a completely separate “road construction and maintenance” account, the road tax can be used for anything.  If you don’t believe me, ask your representative/senator.

• Don’t be fooled, the $0.45 fuel tax is a ruse for more money into the state treasury to expand debt, allow more spending, and fund liberal, unfunded programs and mandates — it won’t be for roads unless the fuel tax revenues are segregated and used for road construction and maintenance only.  Mo money, mo money, mo money!  A Democrat battle cry if there ever was one.

The rotting of America from within continues…


Jeffrey L Salisbury
March 12, 2019
How Road Funding Works in Michigan
Harry Smit
March 12, 2019
Ranger Rick Of the three subjects you have written on.... agree with you the JFK association. Vietnam was a real can of worms. Remembering that the French and Russians could not win when they were there. America could of won... but has America really won a war since WW 2? Korea was the start when the military was ordered to stop at a certain point. Vietnam if one was there generated mixed feelings. Where I was... in my opinion the war was very winnable. Yes. The media because of seeing the huge amount of seasoned troops killed or wounded figured we were losing, with the turmoil back home it was easier for the leaders of the military to call it quits. Any war where there is never only one winner who controls the a useless waste of human life. It's a real shame that we were so close to winning ...... Ranger...I'm sure you will lose the title of town idiot to me for that last sentence. I will just say "Phoenix " than you may understand why I'm confident we were ready to win.
Lynn Eichhorn
March 13, 2019
The red herring in your comments about socialism is your qualifier that complete and pure socialism doesn't work. That part of your argument may be true, but you use it as an excuse to eliminate or avoid any form of socialism at all. Some socialist programs (like garbage collection, police and fire protection) work for the good of society, and need not be avoided like the plague. But you treat them like a slippery slope to communism. I still contend that socialism and capitalism, unchecked, are to be monitored and perhaps regulated to avoid their potential harm to the social fabric. But to claim that all socialism is evil and unchecked capitalism is good is simply an irresponsible road to follow.
Harry Smit
March 14, 2019
I must disagree when persons start calling things like fire, police, garbage collection a form of socialism... all these are for the public good. Socialism, like communism, is a form of government. The examples good old Bernie and those promoting socialism as already being in the U.S. is incorrect. I can only encourage people to do some real research on socialism, communism and our current form of capitalism. I am almost positive you would rather live in a country whose police department is run by a capitalist form of government than a socialist or communist. We can be led to believe capitalism is bad, but it has withstood the test. The seeds of socialism have been planted and it takes writers like Ranger Rick to keep reminding us where Socialism leads... Of course, if you truly believe the wealthy of this country are the enemy, socialism has gotten a very good start in your opinions and looks more inviting everyday. Yes, socialism and communism are horrible forms of government and mislabeling things for the public good as forms of socialism is horribly wrong.

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