I have to admit, Hillary Clinton has Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0an enormous amount of “political experience.” Just none of it good or even up to what any responsible person would consider competent in performance.

In fact, if she were in a commercial enterprise where influence and lying were not at the forefront of commendable traits, she would have been fired many years ago. In fact she was fired from the Watergate Commission – her first real job after college, and her supervising lawyer boss called her a “liar and unethical” and refused to give her a letter of recommendation for another position. Democrats know so much that just isn’t so.

Never a reflective person (one that recognizes and agrees with others’ viewpoint concerning shortcomings in their own job performance and subsequent changes to help correct those areas), she bore straight ahead. After marrying William Jefferson Blythe Clinton and tying her fortunes to his coattails, she entered Rose Law Firm after her husband asked them to hire her because he needed more income (the Arkansas governor’s job only paid $40,000 at the time) and time for dalliances with other women.

It was there she turned water into wine so to speak- taking $1,000 in cattle futures bet and hit a $100,000 payout! Then it is revealed she had help – Robert “Red” Bone admitted he helped with the strategy to help her with investing through futures. With that “expertise” in financial trading, you would think a government job would be a snap, however all the smoke and mirrors in the world cannot hide incompetence.

Despite her amazing success at investing, you would think she would be wheeling and dealing on Wall Street. Instead she’s wheeling and dealing with America’s future – just look at the situation in Benghazi and the outcome – all because of her refusal to improve security and help those during the attacks. Didn’t look like a very good Secretary of State then. But forget it, what difference does it make now?

Being open and honest, I have to admit, I’ve never liked Mrs. Clinton based on what she says and how she acts. She is a Marxist (a devout Alinskyite (follower of Saul Alinsky) author of “Rules for Radicals”) She may even be a nice lady, but I doubt it because from what the “help” says, those guarding, escorting and cleaning up after her and Bill, and have all leaked she is a “nasty woman.” She swears at, berates and hates her security guard/secret service agents to look at her or ask her questions. She uses vulgar comments (uses the “F” word frequently) at military escorts and guards – people to protect and serve, and possibly take a bullet for her.

When William Clinton won the presidency in 1992, he came in with Mrs. Clinton defending him from the “vast right wing” accusations of his affairs with other women – many (if not all) proved to be true with the impeachment trial and vote passing in the House (not confirmed by the Senate), and he lost a civil suit to Paula Jones for $850,000, and lost his license to practice law. Mrs. Clinton’s “bimbo eruption” team could not control a sexual predator like Bill Clinton and he continued in his hound dog ways in the White House, as well as before and after his terms in office.

While in his first presidential term, Mrs. Clinton worked on “HillaryCare” – the most unworkable health care plan to ever grace the political scene. HillaryCare was the beginnings of Obamacare, another unworkable monstrosity that couldn’t and doesn’t work and is itself on life support. It was passed with complete Democrat support, passing with only Democrat votes. Not one Republican voted for Obamacare (much to their credit for recognizing a disaster in the making).

You should know all the former scandals Mrs. Clinton and President Clinton have had over the years – it is literally a huge list no other political pair could get away with. Why a hillbilly from Arkansas and an Alinsky follower from Chicago could gain this much influence and power is a mystery, but you have to admire the power they’ve assembled over the years despite the scandals. They don’t call him “slick” Willy for nothing – an exceptional liar, charlatan, schemer, carnival barker and sexual predator. His wife is a close second, except she has none of the qualities of slickness, “aw shucks” demeanor, and “I feel your pain” empathy he exudes with crowds. She is not warm, likeable or viewed as a team player. She is seen as the “fixer,” the one to protect Bill for her own future political ambitions.

Despite all the “experience” she says she has, all of it is bad. Never once has she succeeded or excelled in any job she’s had. She was a fired lawyer. She was an inefficient carpetbagger senator from New York. She was a disastrous Secretary of State, creating the leadership void in the Middle East, helping to create ISIS/ISIL. And Mrs. Clinton points to those job experiences as a resume for president?

I encourage everyone believing the last eight years under Obama and the possibility of four years under a President Hillary Clinton will be great for America – please, vote for her. The rotting of America will continue unabated and more scandals will surround the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation – more ”pay for play” and amassing millions for the Bank of Clinton – also known as the “Clinton Foundation.” The unethical and illegal activities will go ahead full bore.

Next week, you will cast your vote (if you haven’t voted early) for federal and state political positions. Think about what your vote will mean before you darken in the circle or pull the lever. Do you want your country to continue the march towards more, extreme socialism, the dismantling of the 1st and 2nd Amendments, the selecting of 2, 3, 4 or possibly 5 liberal, non-Constitution supporting, activist Supreme Court Justices, more taxes, more war, more illegal immigration from Mexico and ordered Syrian immigrants in your country, more crime, and higher medical insurance premiums?

If your answer is no, the only other choice you have is Trump. He is a proven winner in business and he’s controlled and continually expanded a huge company for years, creating thousands of jobs and tax money for state and federal treasuries. I’ve held my nose for the past two elections, voting for McCain and Romney because they were the lesser of two evils. Year after year, I hear “why can’t we have an outsider not corrupted by Washington D.C. run for president.” Now you have a choice.

If you vote for Mrs. Clinton, and she wins, you will have it on your conscience you helped elect another Marxist/Socialist for president, just like Obama. The consequences of such a poor decision will haunt us for a lifetime. We’ve already had eight years of no growth, joblessness, expanding welfare, more people not working than ever, infrastructure falling apart (where were those “shovel ready” jobs?), more racial strife and anger, and more rising crime, much more illegal immigration and five times as many refugees from Syria (she has already announced it would be expanded under her administration).

Either way, the economy is overdue for a recession and with the debt now 20 trillion dollars ($20,000,000,000,000) and neither candidate can avoid it. We will have to take our lumps while the economy restructures and slowly improves. Let’s just hope it’s just a recession and not worse. It is coming. The Treasury cannot print more debt to sell (treasury bonds), more countries are getting smart and not buying into our coming debt crisis.

If you think Mrs. Clinton is the better choice, let your voice be heard and comment. Please, if you comment, at least have a cogent thought and structured, logical response instead of “blaming Bush” and “I hate Trump.” Idiots come in all stripes and manner, it just seems like the Democrats have more than their share.

The rotting of the United States from within continues…



1 Comment

Robert M Traxler
November 1, 2016
Mrs. Clinton is a more of the same politician, poured from the same old mold as all establishment political types. She will dust off the old ideas and old ways of doing things. Senator Sanders would have been a change, Mr. Trump will be a change. Mr. Trump will actually break the mold, ask yourself why the establishment ingrained political types of both parties are afraid of him? It is because he will derail the gravy train.

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