I read with interest Ms. Mandeville’s column “One Small Voice: We must learn to conquer our fears.”As usual, I agree with few of her assertions and statements, but she has every right to voice her concerns, however hollow and media clamor induced.

I do agree that we excessively reacted after 9/11/2001 with the Patriot Act, but people like her were probably all wobbly about ”we need to do something,” thus the passing of an act that eroded our rights. As for her assertions about the NRA, Big Oil, Christian Right, all the way to Rush Limbaugh being the cheerleaders in this debacle of invasion by radical Muslims — they were the only ones saying our rights were being violated and recommended acting slow to make sure the constitution was upheld in everything Congress conjured up.

But “something had to be done,” thus the “Patriot Act,” which turned out to be anything but patriotic.

The violence in this country has overall gone down over the years, but you wouldn’t know it by the nightly news. I am a proud NRA member and supporter and have a concealed carry permit. When asked why I possess a CPL, I always answer “Because I can.” It is not irrational nor dangerous to do so, it is prudent, as I am the only one responsible for myself and my family’s safety.

But I don’t think it is the best interest of anyone to have to open carry, as this causes trauma and fear to those uninitiated in the use and operation of firearms. A friend of mine whose wife is a teacher said, “There is no reason for a teacher to carry a weapon, they are there to teach, not shoot people.” I said the teachers of Margery Stoneman Douglas High School probably thought the same way until they were cornered by a madman with a weapon intent on killing.

When I said “If it’s between carrying a weapon and being able to use it and trying to hide so you won’t get shot but you are cornered and no way out, would you rather have your wife use her weapon and being home after the incident or carried out to an ambulance to the hospital or the morgue?”

He reluctantly agreed he would want her to have a chance at defending herself. If someone in that school fired back at the sniveling little coward, he probably would have turned tail and ran to save himself if he wasn’t hit.

Law enforcement officers in this country are overwhelmed with what they can and can’t do, rules changing on confronting a suspect and the peaceful and forceful apprehension of a suspect. Every incident of confrontation with police is started by a suspect being stopped and questioned. In most if not all instances, the suspect either submits to the stop and answers questions or they escalate the confrontation, necessitating the officer(s) to react with subduing the suspect.

When they run, it is dangerous for the police and the suspect, not knowing if the suspect is armed. Let me ask you this. You as an officer seeing a woman being beaten on the sidewalk with the attacker pulling her purse from her, while she struggles to hold on. As an officer, do you think the following:

1) Not my problem, he isn’t bothering me.

2) Maybe it is his purse and the woman is trying to get it from him!

3) There is an assault and robbery in progress and I should intercede.

If you are a Democrat or Republican, I would hope you would look at this situation for what it appears to be, an assault and robbery in progress. But I know that is a gross generalization.

If you are a Democrat, and the assaulter is an African-American or looks like a homeless person, you are thinking he must need the money for food, booze, or drugs. They are the underprivileged in this country and downtrodden. They need that purse.

If you are a Republican, you are seeing it as it is, an assault and robbery and the police have every right to do what has to be done to control and defuse the situation. Hopefully, the suspect submits to the police and no further action is required in the arrest after the handcuffs are applied and they are in the cruiser. The arrest made, the suspect jailed, and the case sent to trial for adjudication if the suspect says they are innocent (maybe it was their purse!).

When you are stopped for a traffic violation, do you mouth off to the officer, tell him or her to shove it, you’re not giving them any driver’s license, registration or proof of insurance. See how long it will take for another cruiser to arrive on scene, you’re dragged from your vehicle, cuffed and arrested.

When being stopped and questioned by a police officer I would hope you’d be smart and answer the questions. Short answers respectfully given do wonders. If you want to be belligerent and mouthy, don’t expect any favors. Such is life.

During the campaign, President Donald Trump said the country was being invaded by those entering our southern border. Some were just people wanting a better life, others were criminals and gang members. Is that not accurate? Everyone knows it is.

But we are a sovereign nation, and a country that cannot control its borders is not a s sovereign nation. Build the damn WALL. Now! Those who want in, get in line in front of the big beautiful door leading to the U.S. If you are not a criminal, you have a good chance at being admitted.

The Democrats want an open border to get more voters, Remocrats want the cheap labor and both want cheap gardeners, landscapers, housekeepers and nannies. This is not racist, nor bigoted; it is prudent and orderly to allow only those considered to become Americans, speak our language and follow our laws.

Trump and Putin:

The media and political pundits are going crazy because President Trump didn’t condemn the Russian President over ”meddling in our politics” when it was reported by WikiLeak’s Julian Assange that the Russians didn’t provide the information from Hillary Clinton’s server and emails. When will the media follow the bouncing ball and investigate the Clinton campaign, Hillary’s server, and the Clinton Foundation “Graft and Corruption Central?”

What about the contribution to the Clinton Foundation by a Russian unknown after the selling of uranium allowed by the Obama Administration and signed off by Ms. Clinton? And why didn’t the FBI, CIA or any other oversight organization within the government look into the Democrat server after it was suspected it was hacked by outside purveyors?

You notice when Trump on the campaign trail joked “maybe the Russians can find Hilliary’s missing emails”, the media glomed onto that like a dog with a fresh bone? What idiots.

The rotting of America from within continues….



Harry Smit
July 18, 2018
Once again I must agree with most of what you say. The media today (especially social media) has become a very powerful tool. Once they plant the seed it is hard to remove the image they have created. Our current President is not a outstanding speaker...he is plain an simple a very successful business man who achieves his goals without Political Correctness. The lack of PC. is a major factor in him getting elected. My only point of concern has been the "backtracking " on statements or meaning of words used . It is my contention if you said it ...you said it. We all say things that may have been said differently ...but why? Is it possible no one wants to hear the truth, factual evidence,or questionable actions made in the past by other administrations? Has our Nation become so indoctrinated in Hate, that anything we dislike,disagree on, did not go our way, etc. Is because of our current President.?? A nation indoctrinated in Hate does become that way because of one election. This has started long ago and has progressed slowly till it has reached this point. Most laugh at the phrase " The rotting of America from within ".....but this rot is there and those not willing to accept it's presence are likely part of this rotting process.
July 19, 2018
Ricky, it's sad you live in such constant fear. Keep your guns ready and watch out for those intruders. Nice What-About-Ism regarding Hillary. But is it enough to let us ignore the betrayal the whole world saw when Trump sucked up to Putin? Now you know as well as I do, it was Trump putting self interest ahead his duty to protect and defend the United States. When I find myself siding with Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and Newt Gingrich, and other repubs, it suggests Don really stepped in it this time. His shameful performance, disloyalty to the country, and clear ineptitude must make you embarrassed to wear you Make America Great Again hat. Putin helped Trump get into office, and those efforts are paying off handsomely.
Harry Smit
July 19, 2018
Basura Have a question or two for you. If you were going to negotiate with someone (a possible enemy) do you arrive with "fire and brimstone " or a more civil approach?? How is our President disloyal to his Country? Did he give nuclear materials, large sums of money, weapons to drug cartels, etc? No. Previous Presidents have, were they labeled disloyal ?? You claim Putin got him elected...I have yet to see factual proof to support this. If you and so many others fear a Russian take over, rest assured Ranger Rick, myself, and others like us will put on our Make America Great hats, grab our firearms and help defend you and our Country
July 19, 2018
I've defended my country. I wore the uniform of the United States Marine Corps. I fought and bled in Vietnam. I was wounded in action, for which I was awarded the Purple Heart. I spent most of a year recovering from wounds at Great Lakes Naval Hospial. I did not see Donald J. Trump in Vietnam, or at Great Lakes, because he had bone spurs. Trump was Chicken Hawk. If you're interested in defending our country, good for you. I've done my part, and would do so again, but don't try to tell me I need the likes of you and "Ranger" Rick to provide for my protection. Trump is a coward, and he's betrayed our interests. I hope you're better than that. Most people are.
Harry Smit
July 19, 2018
Sorry to have upset you with my comment about protecting you. But as you can see you never did answer my questions .. .No offense Sir, since we do not know each other and the only difference is you got a purple heart and I did not ....which makes me no lesser than you. I have learned to get over that feeling those who received deferment were cowards. We just have to agree to disagree if our current President is / was the best choice of available candidates
Mike Williams
July 19, 2018
Sick of this rhetoric! Bunch of people that are full of themselves. Buy a frickin' newspaper and see how long before it goes belly up! How about some local flavor?
July 19, 2018
We all have the right to bear arms and own guns. After reading this opinion piece, it appears Ranger Rick believes he has the unique ability to know what people who may not agree with his views, specifically Democrats, are thinking, and can look at an African American or a homeless person who is assaulting them then know what they are thinking. If that was a fact rather than a myth concocted to make some sense of a gun right opinion it would blow modern neurological science away. But it won't because it's a flawed supposition on multiple fronts. We can argue all day about immigration but anyone who truly believes illegal and/or undocumented immigrants voting had any effect on the 2016 election needs to look at hard data and not get sucked into Trump Derangement Syndrome of believing the President every time he states fiction as fact from the size of a crowd to stating there were millions and millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election. Yet President Trump disbanded the commission he had created to uncover and justify his claim(s) of massive voter fraud. The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University responded, "Study after study has shown that voter fraud is vanishingly rare, and voter impersonation is nearly non-existent" after the President's recent claims. However, President Trump's constantly repeating claims does instill a level of distrust in the election process. Maybe that's his goal. Finally, Ranger Rick is repeating a falsehood about Hillary Clinton and the sale of 20% of the U.S. uranium supply to Russia for campaign money. More alternative facts believed as truth from those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome because they believe President Trump. Snopes says its false. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hillary-clinton-uranium-russia-deal/ The same President who said Germany was a prisoner of Russia and a day later said something that was opposite of what was said 24 hours before. The next day President Trump gave an interview to the UK newspaper, The Sun, where he railed about Brexit and European identity being lost because of immigration. Less than 24 hours later, President Trump wouldn't acknowledge what he said in The Sun interview and stated things that were opposed to what he said in an interview that has audio and paper transcripts. Then we have had a series of "I meant to say" moments after President Trump said he trusts Russia's Putin more than the US intelligence community. Then he says "No" but that "No" wasn't to a reporter's question according to Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The rot in America is who do you trust? A POTUS who makes claims that are not true? A POTUS who insists on meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong-un and Russia's Putin one on one with no one in the room to take transcripts so there is no record of what's discussed? We are left with the choice of is the POTUS a pathological liar who will say anything at the moment, a 72-year-old manw ho is losing a grasp on reality because of early onset dementia or a man who's been his own boss in real estate answerable to no one who can't switch gears on how to lead the United States. And so it goes.
Don't Tread On Me
July 23, 2018
Really, you use snopes.com as a clearinghouse for truth? You are deluded and probably watch CNN and MSNBC for your news and think it is unbiased! You need to get out more and get some fresh air and a brain transplant, obviously yours isn't functioning well.

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