Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0Traitor – noun

  1. A person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.
  2. A person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.

There are 3 types of voters:

  • Strict political party voters, no matter who is on the ticket or what their candidate believes or espouses. Little thought is given to the name on the ballot, just either a D, I, or other voter. Usually, an uninformed (read that “stupid”), low information voter. They don’t care about the country, their selected candidate, or themselves. Some wear Che Guevara T-shirts or a red T-shirt with a hammer and sickle. Many are teachers, wanna-be teachers, media people or professors wearing beards and Birkenstocks. Maybe a little exaggeration here, but not much.
  • Those who are not happy with their candidate but the others are worse, according to them. You see and know them when they hold their nose when they mark the ballot or pull the lever. Usually an R voter.
  • Those that study each candidate, what they espouse and believe, and vote according to the best choice based on their personal experience, knowledge, and conclusions. An informed voter. An R voter, very seldom a D or I voter, and if they are, are fair and moderate, not wackos.

I will start my analysis that most, if not all, Democrats are far left wackos and socialist/communist sympathizers. Why do I say that? Barack Obama, Mrs. Clinton, John Kerry – all far left wackos, and there isn’t anything right with America as far as they are concerned. Everything they touch or have touched turns to a brown, smelly substance. Our military, health care, economy, energy policy, illegal immigration, debt (doubled under Obama), amnesty, gun rights, defense of the 2nd amendment, Syrian refugees – anything they touch or try to change isn’t for the better, by far.

There are no moderate or conservative Democrats anymore, only unmitigated left wing wackos of the Marxist stripe. The only thing that has saved the Obama presidency is American business that refuses to quit and struggles to keep their head above water with all the excessive taxation and regulations this administration has put upon it.

Their happy cohorts in crime, the Remocrats (also known as “establishment” Republicans), people like John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Jeb! Bush, etc. and their ilk of milquetoast politicians are scamming the public by voting with the Democrats with no debate or fight against excessive spending or idiotic legislation.

President Obama signs an executive order, no comment, no opposition, silence, hear the crickets chirping. And if it goes wrong, as it eventually will (look at Obamacare now), the Democrats will scream “well, the Republicans went along with it, they even helped with the need for the EO and didn’t say a thing after the president signed it”! Nothing is the president’s fault, all his actions and the Democratic legislation backfire and they either play the race card, or it was Bush’s fault and the Remocrats are going down the wrong path. This guy has been president almost seven years now and he doesn’t own a thing that happens in government – he doesn’t have any responsibility because he is a minority and they don’t like him because they don’t like an African-American in office.

Most of thinking Americans know the real story, and race has nothing to do with it – President Obama is a Marxist and he doesn’t like this country and has promised to transform the country (for the worse) – and has, without any real opposition from the Remocrats.

With Republicans like Trump and especially Cruz, and a few others, Republicans finally have real constitutional candidates to select from. No matter what you think of Trump, he has brought to the forefront issues that need to be discussed and addressed. Illegal immigration, building the wall, trade issues, Syrian immigration, 2nd amendment rights, etc. are now being discussed. Democrats can’t say much because we all know they are for anything the majority of American public is against.

What right does a Syrian “refugee” have to come to Europe or the United States? The only place in the government that has the right to address immigration is in Congress. There is no right for immigration to the U.S. and for some time there were no immigrants allowed. From 1924 to 1965 there was no or very little immigration to the U.S., in fact, during the 1930s there was more emigration to other countries than immigration to America.

One of the President’s main responsibilities is to protect the citizens of this country. When he says, illegally, that 10,000 Syrians “refugees” will be allowed in America, this is treason. There is no way the “refugees” can be vetted with any modicum of degree of certainty they are who they say they are and no database with their history of political affiliations and loyalties – they may be ISIS/ISIL plants. It is only their word.

Are you willing to base the safety of this country on foreigners coming into the country based on their truthfulness? They also bring disease that has formerly had been eradicated through medications and vaccinations. There are areas of tuberculosis and other diseases now known at the southern border towns because of illegal immigration.

We have no idea who these people are or where they come from – are they Mexicans or from other countries south of Mexico or South America? Are they from the Middle East? We have no idea. If Obama is adamant at allowing Syrian “refugees” – he and any others supporting such action are traitors to this nation. He will have betrayed the trust of the public and violated his oath of office to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Any Remocrat that agrees with the actions of the president is also a traitor.

We need new presidential leadership, and we need it fast. The normal person sees the American dream, where the younger generation does better that the generation before it, slowly slipping away and not much hope for the future. The president gives direction, vision, and support for those areas that will improve American’s lives. A president helps facilitate opportunity, not just giving support in the form of welfare and dependence, but conditions that allows a job and chance for advancement by those wishing to put forth the effort.

We need business to be taxed fairly so it will bring jobs back to our shores and success is exalted, not criticized. Profit is a good word for both business and workers so good wages and benefits can be paid, and dividends to investors so they can earn something on their investment. The Democrats hate what they can’t control, and their aim is to control everything. The normal American knows freedom and liberty create opportunity, not laws and regulations.

Whatever you think of those few Republicans (not the Remocrats) we still have in Congress, remember to listen for talk of freedom and liberty, not more laws and regulations. The only ones speaking those beautiful words are folks like Cruz, Trump, and a few others.

Anyone else is just the third term of Obama. And we all know how well that is working.

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