Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0Back in 2008, candidate Barack Obama boasted, “Generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.”

What a difference seven years makes.

From being the “anointed one” to the biggest chump on the world stage. A more weak and ineffective leader has never graced the office, President Obama has appeared in a U.S president “empty suit,” everything he promised has had the wheels fall off. Obamacare – his one “great” achievement will die on its own just because the states are slowly closing the Obamacare exchanges because of non-participation. Not enough young victims are signing up. This was predicted, but the administration said it would be overcome. Yeah, right. Billions and billions of dollars, up in smoke!

Our enemies hate us more than ever, even when he gives them more dollars for buying loyalty and friendship. Our allies cannot trust us, Obama has seen to that in his foreign policy, or more accurately, no foreign policy strategy. Europe is being overwhelmed by foreign nationals from the Middle East, reportedly seeking political asylum, especially from Syria.

In reality, they are invading Europe with the European leaders opening their arms and inviting the future destruction of their countries and society. The “religion” of Islam is more than what is considered a religion. There is no separation of church and state in Islam and Sharia – it is a lifestyle the consumes and dictates everyday society, business, politics and religion. You don’t accept Islam, you risk being taxed higher than believers or at the extreme end – death by beheading or crucifixion. Islam is a religion of peace – as long as you believe as they do.

Muslims don’t assimilate into a country’s existing social and political norms when entering a new country. They created their own city within a city and keep to themselves, slowly expanding from the area they are in and expanding and buying up land and properties around them. Look at Dearborn, or more accurately “Dearbornistan.”

There are places non-Muslims cannot enter and if they try, they are escorted out or beaten back. There are enforcement “police” – Muslim “citizens” who constantly are on the lookout for outsiders entering their protected areas. Muslims don’t assimilate into the surrounding society, they demand Islamic and Sharia within schools, courts and business – look at what has happened to England. Sharia is almost on the same level as English law. More and more public schools are also addressing Muslim demands, even to the level of ignoring others religious beliefs and society norms. Prayer rooms, time for religious practice of prayer in school when no other religion is given time for prayer exclusively. Where is the ACLU when you need them?

They understand the ways of government, and apply for all the benefits endowed by the state and federal governments in the form of welfare. We are helping to pay for our own destruction by supporting these families when they arrive in our country and state.

If you knew the enemy was coming to this country under the auspices of the federal and state government with the knowledge many of those fleeing Syria are overwhelmingly young men and a percentage of them possible jihad/ISIS/ISIL members, what Donald Trump has voiced is gaining traction.

It is just common sense and Democrats have lost theirs. There is no reason why we should accept any of these people. They are not citizens, and there is no “right” to enter the United States. I even go so far as to stop all immigration until we have a solid and proven vetting process and levels of immigration from each country clearly understood and only accept those that have work skills our country needs. Just adding more welfare cases to the ever growing list is not an answer.

And whoever wins the next presidential election, build the damn wall! A country without controlling who enters its borders is no country at all.

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