Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0I notice everyone is excited about Donald Trump’s proclamations Mexico will pay for the wall to be erected on the southern border. Many assert that will never happen, as did Mexico’s president. All the screeching aside either for or against the wall, the point is we give Mexico at least $210,000,000 per year and remittances to Mexico from workers here is the States for money going back home is in the billions.Estimates for the wall that I have seen are $1.5 billion to $2 billion. The president gave Iran $150 billion (yes, $150 billion of your tax money) for nothing, even though he insisted it was for the nuclear agreement. We now know he was played for a fool (nothing new about that) and the atomic research and centrifuge spinning has been doubled with our infusion of money. Thanks Mr. President! What a dolt. President Bush looks like a genius compared to President Obama – a president that gave us more illegal immigration with no consequences, more debt, more Muslim immigration, Black Lives Matter, wonderful Obamacare (a Massive Failure), snubbing Israel, giving more money to our enemies, dissing our allies, and cozying up to Russia and China. His no foreign policy has aided both Russia and China to be aggressive towards their neighbors and China challenging our naval forces in the South China Sea. And he’s on the wrong side of every African/American/police shooting – every time. To say he’s been ineffective and a disgrace to the office is putting it in perspective. His administration has shown they are amateurs and have no business running this country. And Mrs. Clinton says she will continue and double-down on his policies and decisions.

If elected, Mr. Trump will get Mexico to pay for the wall in a variety of ways. Using the foreign aid money, taxing remittances, fine those caught here illegally, there are many ways to squeeze Mexico and Mexican citizens here as illegals to pay for the wall.

Yes, we need immigration – legal immigration – and granting amnesty to those here now illegally would be a slap in the face of those coming or trying to come here legally. I’m sure we are all for legal immigration, no argument there.

Mr. Obama is playing a dangerous game. Dissing our allies, encouraging the Fed to inject more debt into the economy in the form of selling treasury bonds, making your money worth less, thinking our problems in the Middle East will not pose any problems in the future. Look at Europe and all the discontent with Muslim immigrants in Germany, Norway, France, Italy, and Denmark – just to name a few. Huge increase of rapes, murders, assaults, theft – the European continent is being overrun with invaders in the form of immigrants. Will Europe be the new Muslim continent? Only time will tell, but they are off to a great start in threatening the respective governments and producing mayhem with the citizens of each country. The mosques are being erected in huge numbers and Sharia law is being introduced to the countries by the immigrants. President Obama is silent on the upheaval in Europe. Secretly, I think he is happy for the discontent and his plans for the same thing here by pushing for more Muslim immigrants to be granted citizenship here.

Why does he encourage this? Because he is a Marxist (and closet Muslim?) – was, is, and always will be. A Saul “Alinskyite,” as is Mrs. Clinton. If you don’t believe me, please do your homework and investigate it yourself. And anyone with a brain that doesn’t, and you pull the lever or darken the circle for Mrs. Clinton, you are to blame for what will happen to this country in the next 20 years. Anyone with any historical knowledge of the rise and collapse of the Roman Empire knows how that great empire’s eventual downfall happened. More and more immigrants let into the empire to do the work Romans didn’t want to do or wouldn’t do.  More invaders from the north to eventually topple the empire.

Leftists, such as Bolsheviks, Marxists, Trotskyites, Communists, Socialists and yes, Democrats, would like no borders. And when that happens, you get what mayhem is in Europe and in states along our southern border. And those that encroach and live here illegally don’t want to immerse into the language, customs, or love for this country. When they come in legally, they are much more willing to accept the language, customs and develop a love for their adopted country. Let’s encourage all legal immigration.

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