The most recent controversy befRanger Rick Art_7_0_0alling a Republican candidate, Dr. Ben Carson, concerning his answering a question about the recent slayings in Oregon at Umpqua Community College. Dr. Carson said he would have charged the shooter, knowing he was going to die not resisting.

I digress, but have to ask, you ever notice, none of the Democrat presidential candidates ever receive such questions? And the media isn’t liberal?

What was wrong with the answer Dr. Carson put forth? Evidently it didn’t fit the liberal narrative of what was expected, that is; don’t fight, it is wrong to fight. What would the person asking the questions (in this case Wolf Blitzer) do? Stand there and take a bullet?

Dr. Carson also commented that the Jewish Holocaust would have had a harder time happening if the Jews were armed in fighting the Germans. Hitler outlawed civilians having firearms and confiscated all of them in Germany. Wonder why that was done?

It doesn’t take a genius to understand an unarmed society is a vulnerable society that armed troops could easily control the masses or vanquish the resistors at will. That’s what dictators do, disarm the population so they can be controlled without opposition. See any parallels between what was done in Nazi Germany and what your President would like to do?

In Poland, the Jews fought the German army and SS in Warsaw for a little over a week before succumbing to the German forces. We are talking about front line, experienced soldiers and SS troops against civilians. They essentially ran out of ammunition, explosives, and able-bodied fighters to resist the Germans any longer. They certainly didn’t go down without a fight. They knew they would be sent to their deaths in concentration camps in gas chambers or killed by firing squads. They figured fight and die or just give up and die, either way, they would die.

Dr. Carson’s answer was essentially FIGHT; you may die, but at least the shooter would be fighting to stay alive as well, if being attacked. If one person had the initiative to attack the shooter, more might attack also, and the shooter would be overwhelmed and hopefully killed, either by being beaten to death or shot with his own weapon.

“Gun Free Zones” are nirvana for those liberal minds who think words mean something to those wishing to do harm. In essence, they are “Enter Here – No Weapons, No Opposition” to those wishing to do harm, the wolf stalking a flock of sheep without a sheepdog and shepherd around. Quite a few lambs and sheep will be killed without protection.

In human terms, protection is usually in the form of a police officer or armed security guard. But they can’t be every place when they are needed. I was asked once why I have a concealed weapons permit, I replied that a cop is too heavy to carry. After a “harrumph” and an expletive, my questioner left. Good, I don’t suffer fools well.

For those of you that think it can’t happen here, I’m sure Umpqua College thought the same thing. “Gun Free Zones” are a joke, let’s get rid of these idiotic, unrealistic ideas and get people that want to be properly trained to handle weapons safely get the training so many within a school, hospital, or church are armed and prepared for possible attack. Only those people that are qualified and background checked, wanting to handle and be responsible for a weapon should be able to carry within those areas needing coverage.  They could be volunteers such as former officers, trained teachers or administrators or those hired to supply protection.

Wayland Superintendent Norm Taylor said not long ago the Wayland Union Schools would remain “gun free zones” – I wish him well with that. I hope nothing ever happens in the school or on school grounds.

But what is Mr. Taylor prepared to do if it does? Tell the gun toting bad guy “This is a gun free zone – drop the weapon!” I think the parents of those children attending Wayland Union Schools should demand the superintendent reconsider his statement.

Yes, it is sad to say, we need guns to fight off those wishing to do harm to others, but such is the reality of today. Wonder how it got this way? Look in the mirror. We have put up with liberal and wrong-headed ideas for so long we no longer know what works and what doesn’t. We no longer know what is right or wrong, what is truth and what is false.

We’ve taken God, love of country and patriotism out of the schools.   We listen to filth and crap on the airwaves in the form of music and free expression and violent video games abound. We murder our own innocent of innocents – babies, in the womb (and sell baby body parts).  Tell me it’s not a depraved society that allows that to happen.

With human life considered cheap and disposable, and yet we wonder why this type of horror happens at schools, colleges and churches? Look in the mirror. When the population of a country has lost its way, the leaders are a reflection of the governed and it comes up with stupid and nonsensical ways to control the uncontrollable. Elect to office those offering more gun control, watch the violence escalate.

Ask yourself this — if you knew then what you know now, would you vote for the person whom you voted for President, Senator, Representative? Do you wish you had a “do-over?” Do you have voter’s remorse?

I don’t, but I didn’t vote for him. But I did vote for Jimmy Carter twice and have never gotten over how I could have been so stupid, but I was a die-hard Democrat then. I eventually used my brain more than my heart in using my vote wisely.

The rotting of America within continues…



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