It is almost re-election season. Can you smell the stench of federal politicians yet?

We have a U.S. representative, Congressman Fred Upton, who has been in office since 1987. While he didn’t need the job, he felt he needed to do something with his life since he was born into money (Whirlpool founders) and didn’t have to worry about putting a roof over his head and feeding himself like the rest of us peons.

Then we have U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, who never saw a dollar she couldn’t spend and support of every liberal program that didn’t have a ghost chance in hell of working, but she meant well. Both of these establishment politicians, one Republican RINO, and a wacky liberal Democrat, have one thing in common — they care not a whit for the country but to push and control the levels of power.

These are both lousy people representing us. They either suck up to their leadership or to lobbyists and sometimes both. They go to Washington with little personal money and always come out multi-millionaires (of course, Upton never needed the money). How does that happen on $174,000 per year? Especially when they live in Washington D.C. and have a residence in Michigan?

Think about that for a minute. Sen. Stabenow was a politician most of her life and when she retires I’m sure she will be a millionaire many times over. Upton was like President Donald Trump, he didn’t need the money, but he likes the power.

I saw this recently on a Facebook post. I usually don’t take much stock in Facebook posts, but this one got to me:

“Get This Straight:

“I don’t care about the color of your skin, your gender, your politics, or your religion…. if you support raising taxes, violating rights, bypassing the Constitution, or disarming people; I will resist you.

“Obedience is not Patriotism. Patriotism is love of your country, not your government.”

I am a patriot. I have served in the Armed Forces. I have never committed a crime other than speeding tickets far and few between. I have a Concealed Carry permit, not because I am afraid, but because I can because the Constitution says I can and a policeman is too heavy to carry. And if you call 911 for help, you will be dead before it arrives if others attacking you for your money and possessions have weapons.

I know many liberals in this audience reading my posts think I am overreacting. So be it. The most ardent gun owners are those who did not have a weapon when they needed one — they have one now. I travel this country feeling safe when I know I have the means to defend myself and not depend on others to intercede on my family’s behalf. I’d rather be tried by 12 than carried to my grave by six. If you decide otherwise, God be with you — I hope you never need to defend yourself.

If you think the way to solve things always involves throwing more money at problems —problems that haven’t been solved for decades doing just that, or making up more stupid and endless laws and regulations; please, please, don’t run for governmental office. You are the problem, not part of the solution.

Both Upton and Stabenow have been worthless and ineffective. Upton is a RINO and Stabenow marches to the Hillary Clinton beat. We need more leaders who are patriots and not politicians. We need people to serve in the best interest of the country, not to a political party. We need to follow the road map that got us started and we have folded it up and put it in the map bag — the Constitution. Democrats despise it, Republicans are scared to look at and follow it.

Not much different than people saying they are Christians and never looking at the Bible for help and guidance. A human affliction that we think we know more than we really do. And we sure as hell aren’t about to seek advice from either the Constitution or the Bible. Only hicks, Bible-thumpers, cretins, veterans, Tea Party supporters, and others of their ilk do that. Well, we are in deep.

No, I’m not talking about President Trump or the present majority leadership.

I’m talking about how the past politicians and presidents have screwed us — the American people — out of our treasure. Our tax money, our human capital in foreign wars (especially Korea and Vietnam) and our recent engagements, those who refuse to work even if able bodied, the fallacy a college education is the only way to success so the federal government put us on the hook to finance college loans (thank you President Obama!).

We are in hock for 20+ TRILLION DOLLARS now. Soon we will only have enough money for Medicare and Defense from the government – the rest will be sucked up to pay the debt. Our work force is aging and the Social Security scheme will have to be revamped soon to remain solvent.

The housing bubble (mortgage bubble) is slowly building with so many buying houses who can’t afford them and would be better served to rent and save for a down payment. Remember the last housing bubble? Wasn’t pretty and the government saved the financial system because they screwed it up. If you don’t believe me, look at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae history. One of bailout after bailout. Ain’t government wonderful?

For those of you with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), you really need to get over it. There will be six more years of Trump because of his performance in the economy (it’s the economy, stupid), the revamping of trade deals, building the Wall, moving this country forward. The only way to get this country on a firm financial foundation is to grow the economy. The Democrats have no idea on how to run an economy other than tax and spend. The Republicans (not RINO’s) know the tried and proved ways to provide a thriving economy — low taxes, less regulation, making businesses welcome in the country to do business and hire people.

All other political blather is hot air and we’ve had enough of that from the previous administrations.

The rotting of American from within continues…



1 Comment

Robert M Traxler
September 11, 2018
So true, wildly politically incorrect but so very true.

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