In our everyday world of work and making a living and everyday life, we hardly look at the “Big Picture.”By that I mean the civic duty we all have to bow to the taxman.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans on average spent more on taxes than on food and clothing combined in 2017. The average spent on food and clothing was $9,562, but $16,749 on federal, state and local taxes! Think about that for a second. Taxes are close to double what is spent on food and clothing for an average family in America. Why?

Politics in America, regardless of party affiliation, whether local, state or federal in scope have changed from being temporary, careful stewards of spending tax revenue for maximum benefit for all to silos of special interests. Buying votes by providing the tax largess to pay for many things that aren’t needed, much of it wasted. The Constitution provides Congress authority for defense of the country and interstate commerce.

Pretty much everything else is crap that has been piled on the taxpayers to support over decades of raiding both the treasury and social security “trust fund,” a fund Congress has been issuing IOUs for decades, while the taxpayer takes it in the shorts by paying outrageous taxes and also “contributing” to social security. Billions have been siphoned off, but no squawking from the citizens, they are too busy working and living life to complain. There is a word that is never spoken in Washington D.C., Lansing, and local governments — reducing expenditures.

Now there is a new kind of administration, one that is forward looking for America and its citizens. It isn’t Democrat, nor Republican in the normal sense — that K Street, RINO type Republican so prevalent in Washington (think Sen. Jeff Flake, Sen. John McCain, Rep. Fred Upton, and many, many others) and most of the Democrats (if not all). President Donald Trump has re-energized the economy, growth of 4+% (when President Barack Obama said anything over 3% is a thing of the past), jobs created, more industries coming back to America. When you listen to a Marxist speak like Obama, please don’t fall for the nice words and droning tone. It’s all smoke and mirrors (that is the polite version of BS).

President Trump has made the world take notice, the United States will no longer be the doormat and sucker it has been in the past. NAFTA was a bad trade treaty and is being redone, with or without Canada. North Korea is now tempering their words and actions, bending to the United States will and direction. They are not considered a direct threat to their neighbors as they were under President Obama. It goes to show a strong leader is the only way to deal with despots. Thank you, President Trump!

He also told NATO to start paying their agreed share of the NATO budget. We will no longer finance the NATO Alliance with the majority of the money to support it. He addressed the United Nations and spoke of the accomplishments of the administration in such a short period and they had the audacity to laugh at him. What fools! These idiots depend on the United States for foreign aid and defense. He stated the free rides are over and the Trump administration is going to review expenditures and start cutting. About time somebody had the cajones to address these fools in the manner they deserve.

And for those who think the uproar about the women who have accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of all the atrocities they cite, really think about it. Men like those they describe have a history of abuse and perversion (think Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby). Mr. Kavanaugh has none of this type of history with women he’s worked with, female classmates in high school and college, nor people who know him. This is more Democrat dirty tricks to roadblock his nomination.

I would hope the Senate would get a backbone and have the vote. He is a sound and elitely qualified judge to be voted to the Supreme Court.

The rotting of America from within continues…


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