We all complain toRanger Rick Art_7_0_0 some degree, some more than others. Our health, lack of money, lack of sleep, marital situation, job woes – many things within our daily lives we express dissatisfaction.

I live in Real Ville, not Fantasyland, and not everything or everybody has a happy beginning, happy life or happy ending. A recent conversation with an old friend brought me back to reality after discussing vacation plans with another friend, thinking about the future.

He told me he received a call from his brother. His nephew, Rudy, had fallen off a scaffold while helping a friend put vinyl siding on a house in another state. He fell 15 feet, landing on his back on a concrete walkway. He had no feeling in his extremities. He was rushed to the hospital, where it was determined he broke his back in several places and severed his spinal cord.

His mother and father were called and given the bad news after arriving at the hospital and in consultation with the surgeons. His parents called all family members to inform them and asked for prayers to help their son through this terrible tragedy. They are strong in their faith, and they will get through this.

My friend looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, “He was only 23, a big, strapping young man with his whole life ahead of him. Now he is a quadriplegic, unable to do anything for himself, even has to have a machine breathe for him.”

What response could I possibly give to give him comfort with his emotional state devastated by his nephew’s condition and circumstances? Me, an imperfect being, trying to give comfort to a friend, fumbling for words and not doing a very good job, and his grief so great, not really hearing what I was saying.

We finally parted and I went on my way, but substantially changed. With tears in my eyes welling up from my friend’s grief and thinking of his nephew’s condition, I thought how blessed I am with my family and friends in good health and no real problems. Why has God so blessed me and mine, whereas this young man is now damaged and will never return to his previous life of activity and physical health?

I believe in something other than what is in this life so I admit I believe in God, Jesus Christ, the Bible and the forgiveness of sins. I don’t understand how it all works, why it works, and if it will keep working, but we are instructed in the Bible of life everlasting if we live life on the narrow trail, confess our belief in Jesus and ask for forgiveness for our multiple sins

I have to believe Rudy will live and find comfort in life once he accepts his condition and learns he has support and scientific advances to presently help him and in the future inventions which will make his life easier. Most of us come to the realization of two things sooner or later; there is a God, and we aren’t Him. In our hubris, especially when we are young, we feel as though we are indestructible.

We sometimes reject or stray from God, but He never leaves, He is always there – all we have to do is ask for His help. Somehow, some way, He always answers prayers – not in your timetable, but in His. If you don’t believe as I, that’s alright, He still believes in you.

When you gather your family around on Thanksgiving, please give thanks for all you have, and if you pray before the meal, ask for guidance for everyone at the table. That even means the brother-in-law you don’t get along with, the sister who has been mad at you for some slight or family argument, the parent who is infirm and needing attention. And thank God your loved ones are safe and healthy, even if you don’t want to.

You never know who at the table will appreciate your efforts – take the lead and tell the family your ideas and feelings, and pray, if that is your custom, and if it isn’t, maybe you should ask God how to go about it. And if you reject God, that is OK, I did too at one time. But He never gave up on me and He won’t give up on you either. And if you believe in Allah, Budda or any other religious figure, I’m not saying this do denigrate what you believe. I wish no harm to anyone.

The “Rudys” of the world need our prayers and help, their condition will create difficulty for them and their loved ones, but they should be buoyed by the fact they are not alone. Tomorrow will come whether they wish it to or not.

Get busy living” – there is life after a tragedy such as this.



1 Comment

Robert M Traxler
November 18, 2015
Powerful column RR, very true and very well said.

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