ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor.

Dorr Township Trustee John Tuinstra recently circulated a flyer recommending trustee candidates for the Nov. 8 election. I’m doing the same on a larger scale, prompted by my motto: “I report what I see and hear, and sometimes I comment on it.”

Journalism has a tradition of more than 200 years of endorsing candidates for office. Yes, it’s just one man’s opinion.

For Watson and Hopkins Township Supervisors:

I recommend the incpam-brownumbents in the two races Nov. 8 for township supervisor. That means I write in support of Democrat Pam Brown in Watson Township and of Republican Mark Evans in Hopkins Township.

Brown has done a terrific job in her four years as supervisor. She walked into a situation that was chaotic with the revelations that Treasurer Stephanie Bogdan had embezzled a whole lot of money from the township coffers.

Since then, Watson Township has slowly but surely become an island of stability in a sea of chaos.

After township officials finally came to an agreement with Bogdan, Watson has been granted $50,000 down and regular payments in recompense. It’s doubtful that the all the money taken and expenses in the investigation will be recouped, but restitution nearly always falls short. Just ask any victim of a crime.

There occasionally have been some minor hiccups along the way since 2012, but it is safe to say that Watson has recovered from its nightmare and moved on.

Republican challenger Kevin Travis certainly is intelligent enough to do the job, but I have serious reservations about his temperament. He sometimes comes off like a bit of a loose cannon and he has already forged negative relations with other public officials in Allegan County.


The opposite holds for Hopkins Township. Incumbent Mark Evans, seeking his fourth four-year term, has managed to have negative relations with the Gun Lake Casino and some other local officials, and I’m appalled by the way he treats Library Director Natalie Bazan.

However, at the same time, Evans has shown time and time again that he’s good at what he does, He knows his way around township government and does have the capacity to get things done.

His opponent, Calvin Tuinstra, ran against Evans four years ago and lost and now appears on the ballot with the No Party Affiliation designation. He appears to be an earnest man, but I have not detected a solid ability to run the affairs of Hopkins Township efficiently. I also get the feeling his quest for the office is more personal than anything else.

Evans certainly has his shortcomings. Perhaps somebody ought to send him a copy of “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” Regardless, from the standpoint of good government, he is the best choice.

PHOTOS: Pam Brown

Mark Evans

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