State Rep. Steven Johnson, in the middle of his second two-year term in Lansing, has introduced a House bill that would support foster parents whose biological children are not completely vaccinated.

Johnson, who represents the cities of Wayland and Kentwood and the townships of Gaines, Wayland, Dorr and Leighton in the 72nd District, said the bill, if made into law, would end discrimination against foster parents

“There is a well-documented foster home shortage in Michigan,” Johnson said in his newsletter. “The number of foster children is greater than there are homes available for placement, and the number grows every day. That is why I have introduced bipartisan legislation that would prevent the state from discriminating against foster parents who do not vaccinate their own biological children.”

State authorities currently will not place foster children, from infancy through the age of 7, with families whose biological children are not completely vaccinated.

“This policy has prevented many families across the state from providing foster care, which is a contributing factor to the growing shortage in foster homes,” Johnson said.

“I’m pleased to see that my colleagues from both sides of the aisle recognize this discriminatory policy is hurting our foster families around Michigan. The state mandates that all children in the foster care system be vaccinated, so my legislation would enable more able and willing foster parents across the state to provide the loving home that foster children so desperately need.”

House Bill 4711 has been referred to the House Families, Children, and Seniors Committee for further consideration.




June 28, 2019
Wow, totally stupid. Advocating for anti vaccination a few weeks following a measles outbreak is jaw-dropping dumb.
June 29, 2019
I knew a man that was not vaccinated against polio, when the vaccine was readily available. He contracted the disease, and became quadriplegic. He was miserable, in large part because his condition was preventable. He killed himself in his twenties. What is Steve Johnson thinking of? The state should be putting vulnerable kids into a home with un-vaccinated children? MacDougal is right: totally stupid and jaw-dropping dumb.
Harry Smit
June 29, 2019
It's amazing how a few in political positions voted in as Republicans have decided to use the political tactics of the young lady from NY (AOC). Our two, Johnson and Amash, who must feel they will lose their seat "on the gravy train" (political office) are now trying to make their names known, not only in their district but nation wide. History tells us certain political slogans will last forever. Instead of "a chicken in every pot," "impeach Trump" and "NO Vaxxing" are the current battle cry, and those proclaiming such have hopes of one day being the "engineer of the gravy train."

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