ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor.

Townbroadcast was not kind to State Rep. Rachelle Smit of Shelbyville in a recent editorial, maintaining she is at least partially ignoring the will of the people statewide in joining a lawsuit. Townbroadcast was half right.
An overlooked crucial point in this argument is that Rep. Smit is totally in step with voters in the 43rd District, her constituency. She may be an outlier in Lansing, but she’s mainstream in her political positions in Allegan County.
Ms. Smit comes from a strong background as an evangelical and fundamentalist Christian. She graduated from Tri-Unity Christian High School and after joining Martin Township government demonstrated consistently her right-wing positions on issues.
I more than suspect the good folks in this district love it. She follows in the footsteps of fellow “right-thinking” politicians such as Mary Whiteford, Steve Johnson and Bob Genetski.
Her strong opposition to abortion is shared by a majority of residents in these parts. Her refusal to wear a mask during the Covid pandemic won applause from residents in Martin and environs and her opinion was shared by Whiteford and Johnson.
In a nutshell, Rep. Smit does represent the people of her district. She does not share majority opinions expressed statewide.
Meanwhile, I ask both her and County Clerk Genetski to stop referring to Proposal 2 from 2022 as a mandate from Lansing. The insistence on nine consecutive days of polls being open comes from at least 60 percent of the state-wide electorate.
In her quarterly communication to me and voters in the district, she wrote, “Even though we may not always agree on issues, I want you to know that I am always willing to listen to your point of view.”
Also in the communication she expressed displeasure with a partial birth abortion proposal, a green energy plan, family medical leave legislation, a new payroll tax, ballot challenging at the election polls and raising state fees, all promoted by a Democratic majority in the Michigan House and Senate.
I don’t think she will be challenged very much by opposite thinking in Shelbyville, Wayland and Hopkins, but reality says the wider constituency of Michigan believes differently.
I stand with the statewide majority in most cases. For example, I take umbrage with her comment about challenging election officials:
“The majority is trying to make it a felony to hurt the feelings of election officials. If you speak up, if they don’t like what you say or how you say it, they are going to be able to call it ‘intimidation and harassment’ and charge you with a felony.
“This will effectively outlaw ballot challenging in Michigan… Obviously, I will be a firm no on these bills.”
I disagree. I personally have witnessed intimidation tactics by these so-called election challengers. Perhaps it would be helpful to ask former Leighton Township Clerk Mary Lou Nieuwenhuis about an incident in 2016.
The upshot of all of this is that Rachelle Smit is a decent person trying to do what she believes is right. But I fear she drank the Kool-Aid with Donald Trump and his henchmen and henchwomen.
We’ll just have to agree to disagree.
The upshot of all of this is that Rachelle Smit is a decent person trying to do what she believes is right.
If only we could say the same of all the legislators.
Joe H.
I agree, seems like someone who represents us well. Anyone disagreeing, run for office. Pretty simple.
Perhaps someone with conviction and integrity? What if we could pass it on to the demoncrats?
My opinion, my choice.
Funny stuff hombre ????
What if we could pass it on to you David? That would do all of us a favor
Well spoken Mr. Editor!!