The City Park has had family restrooms for the last couple of years, and despite some complaints, it isn’t likely they will be reverted backs to “men’s” and “women’s” any time soon.

City Manager Tom McLean told the City Council Monday night that he received complaints last month about confusion with the lack of gender separation. The issues arose apparently because of the large number of park visitors and long lines during the annual car show at the Main Street celebration.

But McLean was told the best solution to that problem is for car show organizers to have port-a-jons installed at the park for the once-a-year activity.

Councilman John Sloan said, “I like unisex bathrooms, adding that he sees long lines for women where gender bathrooms are in force and doesn’t believe it’s fair.

Councilwoman Jennifer Antel said the real problem in this situation is not having enough rest rooms and suggested a third one be added.

She maintained that since the park underwent improvements and renovations, particularly with the arrival of the splash pad, the park is used much more than in days gone by.

“There’s no reason we can’t all share the bathrooms,” agreed Councilwoman Tracy Bivins.

Mayor Tim Bala said it’s important that users lock the doors behind him because he almost walked in on a couple of families recently.

Councilman Rick Mathis said, “I use the city park more than anyone else in this room and I can tell you there are no (waiting) lines.”

Councilman Tim Rose said he was angry that the policy was changed abruptly during last month’s car show and asked who was responsible. McLean pleaded guilty and apologized.

“In hindsight, I see that I was incorrect in doing that.”

Rose said he was particularly upset that the city manager unilaterally made the decision, caving to pressure, against policy approved by the council.

There was considerable discussion about having a wall put in between two stalls and adding a third handicapped bathroom, but there is nothing in this fiscal year’s budget to handle that.

At any rate, the genderless restroom policy remains intact.

1 Comment

Tresa Walker
August 8, 2017
There is nothing wrong with the way it is. People just need to learn responsibility and lock the door behind them. Use the buddy system if you feel the need. And parents should ALWAYS escort their little ones. Just be adults.

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