The sleeping idea of a “River to River” Interurban trail seems to have awakened from its slumber.
Amanda Winters, a member of the Dorr Township Parks Commission, told the Dorr Township Board Thursday evening that she and others associated with the effort met for the first time earlier that day since before the Covid pandemic struck.
The proposal is eventually to connect a trail along the old Interurban in Kalamazoo, Allegan and Kent counties from Kent Trails to the Kal-Haven Trail.
Longtime advocate Jennifer Antel, who is Wayland Mayor, told the Township Board more than a few years ago a regional commission was proposed to discuss where the trail should go. It would be made up of representatives from cities, townships and villages, including Dorr, Leighton, Martin and Wayland townships, and the City of Wayland.
Winters said current plans are to connect the trail along the old abandoned railroad just to the west of Plainwell north to the City of Wayland. Dorr and Leighton townships have been encouraged to join the campaign, but they have been silent.
The big picture is project for a non-motorized walking and bicycling trail from Battle Creek to Mackinaw City.
The City of Wayland plans to seek a state recreation grant to fund its share of the project.
Antel acknowledged that some people who live near the proposed trail have expressed worry about increased crime, but told the Dorr board years ago, “Studies have show that as soon as there is a designation as a formal trail, the crime rate (in that area) goes down.”
Dorr Township has two representatives, including Winters, on the proposed exploratory committee.
In other business Thursday night, the Dorr Township Board:
- Was told by Fire Chief Gary Fordham that the department handled 512 calls in the past year, more than double the amount reported in 2023. The cause was medical incidents.
- Welcomed new Allegan County Sheriff’s deputy Louis Hemtston, who is one of two officers serving Leighton and Dorr townships.
- Learned that Yankee Springs Township has dropped out as one of 13 municipalites served by Wayland Area Emergency Services.
- Noted that 144th Avenue going west from the expressway is closed to all but emergency vehicles as a result of the accident earlier this month at the overpass.
- Was told that the Dorr Township Planning Commission Tuesday night approved a site plan for a small coffee shop at the old schoolhouse on 18th Street.
- Learned that Jen Alderink has been chosen president of the Dorr Business Association, which also announced it will not sponsor the annual Easter Egg Hunt this spring.
- Fielded information from Parks Commission Chair Amanda Winters that it will cost $8,500 to have Wightman & Associates come up with a master plan for North and South Park. She also told the board that the commission is short two bodies on the five-member panel.
- Adopted an ordinance amendment ton change the by-laws for the Planning Commission regarding conflicts of interest and another to regulate installation of solar panels in the township.
- Learned that the Allegan County Road Commission intends to construct 108th Avenue, with Dorr paying for 24th to 22nds Street this year and share costs with Salem Township in paving 24th Street in 2026. Also approved is one mile off 130th Avenue from 18th to 16th Street.
- Was told that gravel will be applied from 136th Avenue north to 140th later this year.
- Agreed to enroll Chief Gary Fordham to the township’s health and dental insurance plans. Fordham recently retired from his day job and is no longer covered by his former employer.
- Approved a new three-year contract with Arrowaste for recycling services for $8,609 in the third year.
- Approved the low bid of $34,256 from SWB for dust control services, three applications for each of the three years.

“Learned that the Allegan County Road Commission intends to pave 108th Avenue, with Dorr paying for 24th to 22nds Street this year…”
The word pave in this part of the sentence should be CONSTRUCT.
Later it is correct that paving should be done in 2026.
And just to let residents know is that what the Township board was doing is just the first step — it authorizes the Supervisor to formally know that the Allegan County Road Commission can finalize engineering and specifications that will go out for bid to construction companies. The bid will need approval by county, as well as the Dorr & Salem Boards.