The last week of January and the first week of February produced as many as seven days off school because of inclement weather and there are indications winter isn’t through with us yet.
Wayland Union Schools Supt. Norm Taylor reported that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and state officials are working on somehow forgiving mandates for making up “snow days,” but as it stands now, Wayland, Hopkins and Martin may have to extend their academic years in June.
Other scrambling in weather-related makeups is occurring in athletic arenas as well. Hopkins played twice rescheduled basketball games Saturday afternoon against Kelloggsville and Wayland’s boys’ and girls’ games at Wyoming postponed Friday have been moved to tonight (Monday, Feb. 11).
Taylor, in a communication to parents and officials this morning, reported:
“I wanted to update all staff on our current Snow Day status.  Our school district has used 10 snow days to date. Schools are allowed six (6) act of God or snow days each school year without obligation to make up these 6 days. The Michigan Department of Education / MDE also has a waiver provision for which school districts may apply for an additional three (3) days.
“The MDE cannot grant any additional days beyond these 3 waiver days (this has already been determined by the state Attorney General).
“I attended the MASA (superintendent’s) state conference last week and both Governor Whitmer and Interim State Superintendent Shelia Alles spoke to our group. Superintendent Alles indicated school districts should apply for the waiver provision for forgiveness of the three additional days in early April (after winter ends) and she intended to be liberal in approving the waivers.
“Wayland Union Schools will apply for this waiver at that time. There has been “talk” in Lansing of proposing legislation that could exempt school districts for additional days beyond the 9 days already allowed (6 days plus the waiver of 3 more), based on the Governor declaring a State of Emergency for several days (and even the Post Office closed for two days).
“We will need to wait toward the end of winter to determine how many snow days Wayland Union Schools will use this school year and if we see any legislative relief of additional days from the Legislature, which is the only entity that can forgive additional days.
Our contractual agreement with the WUEA states that any school days needed to be made up will be added to the end of the school year. Some have suggested we cancel Mid-Winter Break or Spring Break to cover days missed. Unfortunately, many parents and staff already have confirmed travel plans during these times and it would be unlikely that our student attendance would meet the 75% minimum requirement to count those days as a day of school.
“We have also had suggestions to alter the trimesters or other events. We’ll make determinations on these matters at a later time once we know what other weather situations may impact us.”

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