The players (kneeling, from left) Will Hurt, Chris Niemchick, Aubree Wooten, Sam Rahm, Missy Whitney, Olivia Peets, Dakota Busby (standing) Carla Janke, Collin Majewski, Keely Standish, Kai Weaver, Evan Cater, Ally Maynard, Mike Wnuk, Camber Barko, Benjamin Niemchick, Khylea Wells, Maiwenn Knapsong, Alanya Foster, Nick Wnuk, Avery Sallie, Cami Huyck and Zane VanKuilenburg. (Photo courtesy of Laurie Zywiczynski)

Wayland High School’s theater students will present the play A Seussified Christmas Carol by Peter Bloedel Friday through Sunday, Nov. 17-19, at the Wayland High School Fine Arts Center.

The play is a whimsical reinvention of Dickens’ most beloved Christmas story in wacky rhymed couplets. With zoot fruited juices and binka bird geese, from Bed-Headed Fred to Timmy Loo Hoo, this tale of glorious holiday cheer is similar to something Dr. Seuss might have come up with — if he ever had his way with the story.

Performances will be held at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Nov. 17 and 18,  and at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 19. Tickets are $5/adults, Students are free. They can be purchased online at or at the door.

1 Comment

October 30, 2017
It's heartening to know that news of Dr. Seuss' _Cat in the Hat_ 'racism' has not yet corrupted Wayland High School.

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