Plans for the recreational park at the intersection of M-222 and 16th Street in Watson Township are “98% complete” and it shall be named Seven Generations Park.
The name was inspired by the Gun Lake Tribe of Potawatomis with the notion the facility will serve seven generations of local youths in the future.
John Caras, a member of the Township Board and Planning Commission told board colleagues the commission has nearly finished with its work on parks plans and a master plan. A public hearing has been scheduled for Dec. 7 at Township Hall and officials hope to have all the paperwork in place by next February.
Supervisor Kevin Travis announced there will be a ribbon cutting for the park at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 29.
In other business Thursday evening, the Township Board:
- Agreed to spend a total go $1,000 for all township officials to take an on-line continuing education program provided by the Michigan Townships Association.
- Received a pamphlet from Allegan County Clerk Bob Genetski on property fraud. Genetski also recommended a “no” vote on Proposal 2 on the Nov. 8 general ballot, expanding voting opportunities, saying, “I believe it will invite cheating. I consider this proposal dangerous.”
- Was told by Trevor Beilby of the Hopkins Fire Department that bushes and shrubbery in front of Township Hall have been removed by firefighters.
- Heard an update on township Internet connections from Caras, who said the immediate task ahead is to create a new web site that is easy to update.
- Was told by Allegan County Commissioner Gale Dugan that the County Board has set the evening of Thursday, Oct. 13, for a public hearing on the county budget.