The Dorr Township Board Thursday night awarded several pay increases for several public officials.
Perhaps most notable was a raise for Township Clerk Debbie Sewers for her extra work prompted by the state-wide voter approved early voting system, which has caused her to handle duties on weekends and extra hours during the nine-day election period. Sewers will receive an extra $1,775 per year for four years, bumping her annual salary to $43,328.
When asked how she felt about the raise, Sewers responded, “I’m glad I’m getting something, but I was hoping for a little more… It’s OK.”
Members of the Planning Commission, Parks Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals and township representatives on the Ambulance Board all were granted an increase from $60 to $70 per meeting. The chairman and presiding secretary of the Planning Commission will get $100 per meeting and the same officials for the ZBA and Parks Commission will receive a $20 hike to $90 per meeting.
There have been times that it’s been difficult to find people willing to serve on boards and commissions. For example, Library Director Jeff Babbitt said at Thursday night’s meeting there has been a vacancy on the Library Board for quite a spell and thus far no one has filed to run for a seat on the board in the Aug. 6 primary election.
“There has been no confirmation of anyone running,” Babbitt said.
In other business at Thursday’s meeting, the Township Board:
• Agreed to the fire department’s request to place a proposal for renewal of 0.478 mill over four years to pay for equipment and vehicle replacement before voters in the Aug. 6 primary election.
• Adopted a resolution asking the Allegan County Road Commission to open all roads In Dorr Township to off-road vehicle (ORV) use. Board members stressed the action does not open roadways to gold carts. The vote was 4-3, with Sewers and Trustees John Tuinstra and Chandler Stanton dissenting.
• Was told by Fire Chief Gary Fordham that he recently retired from his full-time job and now has more time for his duties on the fire department. “I feel a little more connected to my position,” he said.
• Learned there is one seat vacant for Dorr representative on the Ambulance Board. Dorr Township Trustee John Tuinstra is the other representative.
• Approved a new mineral extraction ordinance by special use permit after receiving recommendation from the Planning Commission.
• Approved a request from Joe Kwiatkowski to rezone an 88-acre parcel at 146th Avenue and 22nd Street from agricultural to rural estates.