Allegan County Sheriff Frank Baker urges drivers to be smart: Buckle Up and Do Not Drive Impaired.

“Labor Day weekend is one of the busiest weekends on the road,” he said in a press release. “As families and friends come together from all over Michigan to enjoy this Labor Day Weekend, Deputies will be working hard this weekend in Allegan County to stop impaired driving and enforce Michigan’s seat belt law.

“During this high traffic time, it is especially important for travelers to wear their seat belts and refrain from using any substances which impair driving.  Drivers who operate vehicles while they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol cost Michigan residents millions of dollars each year in lost time, lost property, and most importantly, lost lives. The greatest tragedy is that deaths due to impaired driving are preventable – these are not accidents.”

Michigan ranks high in the nation in seat belt use. Studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between seat belt use and crash survival.

“Seat belts save lives,” said Sheriff Baker.  “Please remember to buckle up each and every time you get in your vehicle.”

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