The Simply Celia’s Restaurant on South Main Street in downtown Wayland will close on Saturday, July 16, after the Main Street celebration.
Owner-operator Celia Gleason posted on Facebook, “All of us here at Simply Celia’s have a heartfelt desire to serve you well. When this cannot be accomplished due to lack of staff, we have to close. This creates inconsistency for all of you as well as us and literally tears me up inside.The staff here is phenomenal!! It is hard for me to express my gratitude for who they are as people, friends and co-workers.
“Our model of operation is not sustainable in our current economic environment. Our last day as Simply Celia’s as you know us will be July 16… We are short staffed in the back this day so please be patient and kind as we navigate this day.
“In the meantime, we will have some pot pie and pasty nights that will be posted on Facebook as we work thru details.Thank you so much for all your kindness and support! You are all so appreciated!”
Tighten welfare and the many Lummox with bridgecards, then perhaps you might have those who need to eat, start working. That which you subsidize, you get more of. Hear me.. Just my opinion
Sad another inane comment from the victim!