A special meeting of the Dorr Township Board has been called for 7 p.m. Thursday, July 13, to make an appointment to the Dorr Township Planning Commission.

The meeting is necessary because the Township Board June 29 was deadlocked at 3-3 on the reappointment of Bob Wagner for a three-year term. Wagner has served on the commission since 1968 and has been chairman since 1975.

Trustee Dan Weber, Supervisor Jeff Miling and Treasurer Jim Martin voted to reappoint Wagner, but Trustees John Tuinstra, Terry Rios and Clerk Debbie Sewers voted “no.” Trustee Josh Otto was absent.

Tuinstra asserted that Wagner has served long enough and it’s time to give someone else a chance. He said he would like some time to recruit a new member.

Though the official reason has been that Wagner has served for too long, insiders say the entire process is political, driven by Bernie Schumaker and former Trustee Patty Senneker, both of whom played major roles in the failed Township Board recall attempt of 2011.

If Wagner’s reappointment fails, Vice Chairman Robert Traxler will chair the commission’s next meeting Tuesday, July 18.

PHOTO: Robert Wagner


Robert M Traxler
July 6, 2017
Bob Wagner is an outstanding Chair, who deserves our thanks and a new three-year appointment.
Rich Osbun
July 7, 2017
I was definitely saddened to hear the news that Bob Wagner was not reappointed at the last township meeting, per the article published June 30. I have served on the planning commission for approximately 3 years now and my respect for commissioners who have served a long tenure for this township (commissioners such as Bob Wagner and Larry Dolegowski) has continued to grow. Fundamental to the planning commission's role is an understanding of the township's planning and zoning regulations and with this knowledge acting on measures that affect the township's traffic, zoning, and safety. Bob Wagner's deep seated knowledge of these matters enables the board to make consistent, wise, and non-bureaucratic decisions. I see this exemplified in each and every meeting. I find it immensely useful that "new blood" like myself can sit at the feet of someone like Bob Wagner and learn. This is a privilege for me and for the community and shouldn't be squandered. I believe I am useful to the board, however if someone like Bob Wagner were termed off of the board and were replaced by "new blood" clones of myself or other more recent appointees, the community would be at a serious disadvantage.

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