ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor.

When I was a youngster, I was inspired What people wantby Lincoln’s immortal words about “government of the people, by the people and for the people.” I was taught that the heart of democracy is letting the people decide on issues and choose leaders.

We still are told we should call or write our congressmen or legislators to express our views. But I’ve come to the realization that it doesn’t matter. Democracy, as we once knew it, has broken down so badly that it’s just hollow slogans that just aren’t true.

Our leaders don’t give a damn about what we want, feel or think.

According to a study of 20 years of data at Princeton University, “The opinions of the bottom 90% of income earners in America has essentially no impact at all on legislative action.”

Michigan Public Radio’s Jack Lessenberry this week said, “Here’s some news for you, kids: The folks running Michigan’s government — the legislature, at any rate — couldn’t care less about you, or what you need and want.”

I’ve called the State Legislature, including and especially Kenneth Yonker, Cindy Gamrat and Tonya Schuitmaker, a lot of ugly but appropriate names, and I’ll add another — HYPOCRITES!

The Confederacy of Dunces has no use for what we common folks want or believe and commits hypocrisy to show it.

Seven years ago, Michigan voters approved a law to permit use of medical marijuana by a landslide, 63% to 37%. Since then, our idiots in Lansing, notably Attorney General Bill Schuette, have taken great pains to make it as difficult as possible for certified users to comply.

One way to insure this was to allow each local municipality to have its own ordinances on the issue, allowing some to prohibit use altogether. This meant that a user could be just fine in one community, but illegal if he traveled just 10 miles down the road.

I opined then that since voters approved the law statewide, we should let the rules apply statewide.

Now I hear tell the State House is about to approve legislation that would overturn local non-discrimination ordinances in 39 communities and institute a state-wide law that would be unfavorable to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

I also hear tell our boys and girls in Lansing are taking up a law to overturn local communities’ ordinances for minimum wages of $15 an hour, insisting state law trumps local ordinances.

So in the case of medical marijuana, the State Legislature insists local communities decide for themselves, making it necessary for local governments to hire attorneys to write up local rules. In the case of protecting all citizens from discrimination and allowing local municipalities to decide a minimum wage, the state wants exactly the opposite, a uniform state law.

Let’s not forget this is the same bunch that headed off at the pass a petition drive to raise the minimum wage statewide with their own smaller minimum wage hike

The problem is that democracy has deteriorated at the altar of marketing and public relations so badly in this state and in this nation that we elect these bozos again and again. As Pogo once said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

Beyond the local level, government does not give a tinker’s cuss about what we want or think. And they count on us not doing a damn thing about it. They’re right.

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