State Rep. Cindy GamratTodd CourserAn MLive story written by Jonathan Oosting this morning reports State Reps. Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser are being investigated for using their staff members to help them cover up their alleged personal affair with each other.

Kevin Cotter, speaker of the House, ordered the probe after the Detroit News published “raw and transcribed audio recorded by former House aide Ben Graham,” who had worked for Courser until he was fired in July, when Gamrat also discharged aide Keith Allard.

Gamrat (R-Plainwell) represents the 80th District, which takes in most of Allegan County, including Martin, Hopkins and Watson townships. Courser (R-Lapeer) is a fellow member of the Tea Party.

It was alleged that Courser told aide Graham to send a fake e-mail about himself to Republican operatives, alleging that the lawmaker had been caught having sex with a male prostitute behind a Lansing nightclub. The e-mail was an intentionally outlandish “smear campaign” designed to blunt any claims about a relationship between him and Gamrat, Courser said on one recording, making them seem “tame by comparison.”

Graham apparently refused to take part in the alleged coverup and recorded a conversation May 21 with Courser and Gamrat in her taxpayer-funded House office in Lansing. Both legislators, who are are married and have children, apologized to Graham, who asked them about their alleged affair. They did not dispute it.

Courser and Gamrat have shared resources and staff since taking office in January. Graham and Allard had received raises earlier in the year before they were terminated in July. Gamrat told The Detroit News she would not discuss “staff-related issues.” Courser confirmed his voice on one of the tapes but questioned the legality of the recording itself.

Gamrat earlier this year was removed from a budget committee by Cotter, who accused her of breaking rules of confidentiality. She lost her bid to fill an open Republican National Committeeewoman’s seat May 10.

Gamrat also has been associated politically with former State Rep. Dave Agema, who has been criticized for racist and homophobic remarks, and she invited him to be guest speaker at a Tea Party pow wow last January at the Soaring Eagle Casino.

Gamrat won the GOP primary a year ago with 41 percent of the vote in a four-candidate race. Fellow Republicans Mary Whiteford had 29 percent, followed by Allegan Township Supervisor Steve Schulz and Randy Brinks. She won the general election last November handily over her Democratic opponent.

Steve McNeal, chairman of the Allegan County Republican Party, called on Gamrat to resign, asserting it is “apparent that Cindy Gamrat has proven to be unfit to represent the hard-working residents of Allegan County, using taxpayer dollars to abide and assist her gross misconduct.

Being an elected office holder requires very high moral character and ethical behavior to properly represent your constituents. Ms. Gamrat has clearly violated the public trust placed in her, and therefore I must demand that she resign immediately.”

Area Republican Party activist Gerry Hildebrand of Plainwell wrote in an e-mail to Whiteford this morning:

“As a Republican activist and veteran of the United States military, I believe a violation of the public trust is very serious and should be dealt with aggressively. In light of the recent revelations that Rep. Gamrat has violated the trust of ‘We the People’ of Allegan county by using our tax dollars to conceal an extramarital affair with fellow State Rep. Todd Courser, I am calling on her to resign her seat effective immediately.

“The most shocking part of these revelations is that Rep. Gamrat has been an outspoken voice for both Christian conservative values and the appropriate size and scope of government. She has betrayed both of those with these actions.

“There are many more questions to be answered and I support Speaker Kevin Cotter’s calls for a thorough investigation into this matter. In the interest of Allegan County taxpayers Rep. Gamrat must resign.”

Whiteford herself posted this morning, “The people of Allegan County expect their elected officials to act with honesty and integrity. It’s sad to see Cindy Gamrat disgrace the office of State Representative. Taxpayer funded offices and staff are supposed to be treated with respect and used to serve constituents. Allegan County residents deserve far better. My heart goes out to the families involved.”

For an even more detailed report of this development, go to:


Free Market Man
August 7, 2015
Gee, what's the big deal, it's only sex and everyone knows "everybody" lies about affairs. If a President can get away with it in the Oval Office and no repercussions to his career ever transpired, this "affair" between two consenting adults that just happen to be in a "little" state political office shouldn't even raise eyebrows. Slick Willie slithered away and was a comical figure after it was found out he was being "serviced" by a fat young clerk, and Hillary stood by her man (another psychological shortcoming she has), so what's the big deal? The Republicans "eat" their own, Democrats don't... and no political ramifications happen to them. If they want the heads of these two, so be it. What do you expect when this world isn't grounded in any principles and morality is passé. Just because someone is educated means nothing, in fact, the more educated they are, these are the folks that have a roving eye and tend to have affairs, statistically. Ho hum, just another affair! Yawn. ZZZzzzz
August 7, 2015
Point of order on "no repercussions." Clinton was impeached by the Republican-led House and then acquitted by the Dem-led Senate.
Free Market Man
August 10, 2015
Because of a vote of former Ku Klux Klansman Robert Byrd (Democrat - West Virginia) - was he Grand Wizard or Exalted Cyclops while in the Klan? Maybe Bill knew. Senator Byrd never saw a dollar he couldn't spend and send to West Virginia. I wonder what deal Slick Willie cut with the Klansman of the Senate to get him out of being impeached by the Senate? Or maybe Robert Byrd was thinking about his old hound dog Billie when he cast his vote?? By that time, his mind was pretty muddled with dementia, poor guy trying to hold onto his office when he should have never been elected in the first place.
August 10, 2015
The vote in the Senate was not determined by Robert Byrd. A two-thirds vote was necessary to remove Clinton from office. Clinton was acquitted in a vote that was close to 50-50.
Free Market Man
August 11, 2015
Oh, contrare. Sen. Byrd held all the cards in that vote, if you remember correctly. I all came down to how he would vote and he voted down the Senate impeachment, allowing the Der Slickmeister to remain in office and share his love with others.
Robert M Traxler
August 7, 2015
Both folks should change parties and become Democrats with all this on the resume they would be Presidential material.

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