Stephen J. Young of Allegan Thursday publicly declared his candidacy for United States congressman for Michigan’s 6th District as a Republican, a seat held for the last 33 years by Republican Fred Upton.

“My goal in running (and being elected), is to return our nation back to a constitutional republic, abiding under the laws of the Constitution at the federal level,” Young said. “In that light, the federal budget would be drastically reduced as monies would only be distributed for those things specified in our U.S. Constitution.”
He insisted the national deficit could be paid off in a relatively short period and taxes cut.

“With the Constitution as the ruling law, partisanship is eliminated and the authority of We the People is returned to the people. In that illumination, elected and appointed government officials are once again subject to We the People in all areas of Constitutional law.

“When subject to Constitutional law, elected and appointed officials cannot be ‘bought and paid for’ by any outside source as ‘favors’ cannot be granted for unconstitutional laws (which are actually not law at all).”

Young was a candidate for Sixth District Congress in the 2018 election under the bannder of the U.S. Taxpayers Party. He has been president of the Allegan County Tea Party.

He concluded his candicacy statement by saying, “This goal will obviously take the work of more than one U.S. congressmen, but the need to shine the light must start here in Southwest Michigan to return our nation to our Constitutional foundation. If we do not turn this national ship around starting with one small move of its rudder, we are going to hit the rocks against the shore.”

Upton has not yet announced his plans to seek another two-year term. One Democrat, Jon Hoadley of Kalamazoo, announced his candidacy in Wayland in April.



mikw\e williams
August 3, 2019
Send Fred packing. Another career elected official. How much is Freddy worth as being a career politician? Bet he has gotten wealthy being on the Washington gravy train.....
Don't Tread On Me
August 3, 2019
He's part of the Whirlpool clan - he doesn't need the money - but he needs to go!
Justin Bowen
February 6, 2020
This guy actually believes that he's a licensed mental health professional and has publicly claimed that he's made a professional diagnosis of a patient he's never even met. What a loon.

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