Wayland Union High School students recently completed a service project for the 20 Liters organization, assembling water cartridges, used in water filtration systems, to be sent to Rwanda to improve water quality for its most vulnerable population.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, high school students are having a difficult time earning their volunteer service hours because many organizations are not accepting volunteers.  Because these hours are a requirement for the State of Michigan, high school civics teachers, Nate Berens and Kara Denhof decided to bring a service project to the students.

“We want our students to experience helping others and the 20 Liters organization allowed us to bring a project to Wayland High School that impacts people across an ocean,” said Denhof. “Having clean water is something we might take for granted, but this project made students realize the impact of not having clean water.”

There were 124 students who volunteered between the two classes. They used gloves and worked on a socially distanced assembly line to complete the project. They assembled about 2,000 cartridges.

For more information about the 20 Liters organization, visit https://20liters.org/

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