Word on the street is that Dr. Christina Hinds of Mattawan has been offered the superintendency for Wayland Union Schools.
Hinds has been assistant superintendent of student services and curriculum since 2018. She previously was director of special education and student services in Mattawan for three years, special education supervisor for Van Buren ISD for four years, and taught special education for six years.
She began her teaching career in 2000 at Martin. She taught special education for three years.
She has a bachelor’s degree from Western Michigan University and a master’s degree from Grand Valley. She anticipates earning her education specialist’s (EdD) degree from Michigan State University.
Hinds was selected after the final round of interviews conducted by the Wayland Board of Education Thursday evening. She and the board will be negotiating on a contract.
The two other finalists were Patricia Velie, assistant superintendent for finance and operations at Wayland, and Matt Goebel, assistant superintendent at Hastings.
Hinds succeeds Norman Taylor, who is retiring June 30 after serving the district for 10 years.
Perfect example why Wayland is in the situation they are in. They have a hard time making a good decision. Velie made Taylor look like a saint. The money she has found and saved should be reason enough. She (Velie) knows the system, families and students. Who better to lead during the current pandemic? I hope Velie quietly exits this system that has poor leadership (school board).
Well said sir, well said!
I didn’t watch the proceedings online, but was told the President of the school board didn’t vote! If that is true, how asinine is that?
As the President of the School Board I can assure you that I did vote. I wasn’t contacted about this article or I would have made that clear before it was posted. This was a decision that we deliberated over and put extensive thought into. We all recognize the importance of choosing the Superintendent.
The vote (that the entire Board participated in) was unanimous to offer the position to Dr. Hinds. If there is any question regarding the meeting or the vote, the minutes can be consulted for verification. Wayland is fortunate to have Mrs. Velie in her current position. She is an absolute asset to the district and we are looking forward to the addition to Dr. Hinds.