The Michigan Public Service Commission has awarded a $5 million grant to the Sustainable Business Park project planned at a Dorr Township site.

The project is being overseen by the Kent County Department of Public Works in an effort to divert up to 90 percent of waste into recyclable materials. Because the Kent County landfill is nearing closure, the site in the northeast corner of Dorr Township has been identified as the home of the effort.

DPW Director Darwin Baas, who has appeared before the Dorr Township Board many times, told WOOD-TV Channel 8, “Kent County has a real opportunity to create a better world for future generations by building the Kent County Bioenergy Facility and Sustainable Business Park… Thank you to the Michigan Public Service Commission for recognizing the importance of this project in helping achieve Kent County’s landfill diversion goals.”

Anaergia, a global company that specializes in renewable fuel, is the anchor tenant in the business park, with plans to manufacture roofing materials from much of the waste, with intentions to reduce methane emissions.

Brett Hudson of Anaergia was reported by Channel 8 as saying, “Over 40% of what is landfilled in the U.S. creates methane, a potent greenhouse gas that is responsible for at least 30% of global warming to date — so projects like the one being developed by Kent County Bioenergy Facility will do no less than help save the planet.”

The Dorr Township Board has agreed to contribute $200,000 to the project from its American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds.

The Kent County Board of Commissioners will review plans. If they are approved, the bioenergy facility is expected to begin operations in early 2027.


July 10, 2023
The Dorr board gives kent county 200K, no really....???? For what???? My guess and estimation, kent county annually spends more than that on rainbow propaganda, vagrants and diversity and inclusion. The term yonder comes a sucker seems to resound. My opinion, my choice.
Harry Smit
July 11, 2023
David: Dorr Township's leaders and those supporting this project have literally fallen into the "rabbit hole" of recycling to help prevent climate change. Yes, this multi-million dollar cooperation does in fact aid in a very small way to lower certain forms of pollution. What is never disclosed... the extreme cost... the possibility of any of the processes escaping into the surrounding environment... They fail to tell you the potential damage is not controllable and worst than climate change. Yes, one has to research this company. This takes time and energy... it is/was much easier to listen to the "snake oil salesman." This project is not stop able. Northeastern Allegan County... Dorr Township is the testing ground in Michigan. There were a few of us not in favor of this... hopefully, our fears of a major disaster never comes true. But we will pay a much higher cost for recycle and trash services. I'm guessing property and personal taxes will be deferred for this company for years. The logistical and small environmental issues will be ignored or passed down to the taxpayers. Sadly the "Circus" from Kent County has made its way into Dorr Township. It, of course, isn't my "Circus nor monkeys but I do recognize the Clowns" involved.
Dennis Longstreet
July 11, 2023
Harry, it seems the do nothing plan has failed. Anytime something new is tried, it costs bucks. To label it as just green money is a cheap way out with no other plan. Does anybody have a different plan? I would like to hear it. I hear the not in my back yard until maybe it works. We can teach or kids and grandkids how to survive indoors.
July 11, 2023
Kent County is not building it in Kent County? Why not? Will there be a incinerator and a landfill on the property? You all tell me. As Mr. Smit alluded to, will they pay any tax? Funny one. Will Dorr and Moline folks smell the possible methane gas and or possible smoke? You tell me. My estimation and opinion, my choice.
Harry Smit
July 12, 2023
David They bought that land adjacent to the current landfill ( Not sure of exact date but in the last 5 to 10 years ago). As I mentioned yes, if this fails the Kent County landfill will go to 146th ave. Currently the odds of success for these type of industries is about 49% . Anergia is a huge multimillion dollar company. They are world wide. They currently list only their most successful ventures. Tacking how many failures is a very daunting task. Either way it's unstoppable, yes the residents of Moline will get the effects. Be it the industry or the landfill if reimagine trash fails. Fortunately it's far enough from my "backyard" if it cry " the sky is falling " might be taken seriously next time.
Harry Smit
July 11, 2023
Mr Longstreet: You are fortunate to live in a township without junkyards, car recycling businesses, or an experimental trash recycling enterprise starting up owned and operated by a neighboring county. Unless you are moving to another state, a portion of the money you pay Michigan is in that 5 million dollar grant. Plus the township is giving $200,000 and who knows what other tax abatements, etc., will be thrown in. Allegan County is also supposed to be putting money into this project. Sir, I can live with junkyards, car recycling businesses, vacant store fronts, etc. But this project, which according to their website, will only use possibly 40% of recyclables... where is the other 60% going? They say they will cut the methane normally produced by landfills by 20%. Do some research as to the disadvantages some of the processes they use. Some of the by products will damage the environment beyond repair. I hope since it's in my back yard, a spill never happens. As I've say many times about this project, there is no stopping it. If it happens to succeed with no major spills, GREAT... if it fails it will just become another huge hill of trash where at the base once stood a multimillion dollar experiment.
July 12, 2023
Enjoy the response?
Dennis Longstreet
July 13, 2023
I do not respond to no name commenters. Who say what ever they want with no responsibility David WHO??
July 13, 2023
Sir, Genuine thanks for the response already. My opinion, my choice.

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