Tag: City Council

New Main Street manager comes to Wayland from Boston

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Ingrid Borreson Miller, urban planning and historic preservation specialist in the Greater Boston (Mass.) area, has been hired as Wayland’s new Main Street manager and DDA coordinator. City Manager Mike Selden told the City Council the Downtown Development Authority held interviews for five finalists, reduced the number to two and...
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New police facility, remodeled fire dept. ideas kicked around

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Two architects from a Kalamazoo firm showed up Thursday evening at the Wayland fire station to try to get public opinions about a new police station and renovated fire facility. Plans are in the works for having the Wayland City Police move out of the building they now share with...
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John Sloan to fill vacancy on Wayland City Council

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John Sloan, recently retired counselor at Wayland High School and former assistant varsity football coach, has been appointed to the Wayland City Council seat vacated earlier this month by Ron Kobish. Sloan is a graduate of Hope College and he served on the Wayland High School staff for many years...
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So this is what Wayland City Park will look like in the future

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The passport grant for renovations at the Wayland City Park are assured and conceptual drawings of what the park will look like were unveiled to the City Council Monday night. Standing here between the two artist's conceptions is Mayor Tim Bala. Councilman Rick Mathis, who acknowledged one of his children...
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City submits interurban trail grant application a 2nd time

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The Wayland City Council vote was 5-2, as expected, to apply again for a state grant to help fund a proposed paved recreational bicycle and walking trail from Dahlia Street to 133rd Avenue along the interurban. The council has been discussing the matter for several years and it voted along...
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Wayland school officials recommend new snow plowing service

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Though rumors circulated this past winter that Wayland Union Schools fired its snow plowing contractor were rebutted by school officials, it is apparent a new company will do the job when such services are needed next November. Administrators are recommending the school board hire USA Earthworks of Martin to plow...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: I was an unpopular editor back in the day

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Yet another saga from my tempestuous editorship at the Albion Evening Recorder: The summer of 1983, I was in my fourth year as editor and still doing a little sports writing on the side. But when ace city reporter Jean R. Taylor went on vacation for two weeks, I had...
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Potential benefits of paved rec trail outweigh negatives

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor. A friend Wednesday e-mailed me his opinion about the public hearing on the City of Wayland’s second attempt to get a state grant to help fund a paved trail on the old interurban from...
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Public hearing March 16 on another trails grant application

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A public hearing will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, March 16, on a proposed resolution to submit a third application for a Michigan grant to build a paved recreation trail on what is now the gravel interurban in the City of Wayland. Grant applications failed twice before, but City...
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Wayland city officials insist trash talking issue is history

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Just like a lady in the audience said Monday night to the Wayland City Council, “I just want to know we’re done talking trash.” Apparently it’s true. Though about two dozens citizens appeared before the council to oppose imposing a single trash hauler for the city, council members assured them...
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