Tag: College Admissions

Army Bob: Free speech is ground zero in Constitution

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by Robert M. Traxler Discrimination in college admissions based on race, openly discriminating against Asian folks, has had a setback, thanks to a United States Supreme Court. It can still be done, but it has to be disguised as "life experiences" and not racial or ethnic identity. Discriminating against a...
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Army Bob: Going green is simply a marketing tool

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by Robert M. Traxler Ever notice how a product places green in its name and puts a green label on the product, then charges more for the same item? Ever notice how a company pays a large fee to “environmental” groups and gets an endorsement that they are friendly to...
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Army Bob: First define, and then fix the problem

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by Robert M. Traxler The "Ferguson effect" be damned; who cares if unreported crime skyrockets as the police are afraid of mob action and an overzealous command and control system? Better to turn a blind eye to crime than to be questioned and be persecuted. Remember those police officers involved...
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One Small Voice: ‘Newest’ college admissions scandal

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You can’t tell me that this current scandal surrounding the admissions of lesser deserving privileged children to elite colleges is anything new.  It isn’t. What is different now is the degree of depravity to which some wealthy parents have resorted, and the size of the bribes which they have been...
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Monday Moanin’: Results of removing standardized tests

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(From the blog of Mister Journalism: Reading, Sharing, Discussing, Learning) By Jeff Salisbury https://misterjournalism.wordpress.com/ Results of Removing Standardized Test Scores from College Admissions | www.hampshire.edu “If we reduce education to the outcomes of a test, the only incentive for schools and students to innovate is in the form of improving...
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Monday Moanin’: Testing -1-2-3. More testing? Or no more testing?

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From the blog of Mister Journalism: Reading, Sharing, Discussing, Learning By Jeff Salisbury https://misterjournalism.wordpress.com/ ​​Three of my four grandchildren are high school-age – 9th, 10th and 11th graders – and as such they completed a week of various standardized tests – for practice – and the “real deal” too. Believe...
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